[Cdash] [PATCH] Perforce support for CDash

Julien Jomier julien.jomier at kitware.com
Mon Oct 28 20:30:39 UTC 2013

Dear Pedro,

This is great! Thanks for submitting the patch. Would you mind (if it's 
possible for you), adding that in the bug tracker (www.cdash.org/Bug). 
This way we can submit issues/notes as needed.

Thanks again,

On 28/10/2013 21:27, Pedro Navarro wrote:
> Hi all,
> We've added Perforce support to CTest and CDash to correctly handle
> updates against a Perforce repository and getting a list of commits and
> committers. I've separately sent the CTest patch to the CMake developers
> list and has been already accepted.
> Attached are patches, for the latest version of Trunk, to:
>   * Add support to browse a repository/diff using the P4Web tool. There
>     is a new P4Web option on the Repository Viewer Type. The Repository
>     Viewer URL needs to point to the P4Web host and include the P4 depot
>     path. perforce.company.com/depot/ <http://perforce.company.com/depot/>
>   * Process daily updates from a Perforce server. Once P4Web has been
>     selected as the viewer tool (CDash should decouple the viewer from
>     the VCS type, as one might want to use FishEye to browse Perforce),
>     CDash daily updates will be fetched from the P4 Repository with a
>     list of committers and their E-Mails. The configuration required in
>     the Project Settings | Repository window is:
>       o Repository: The command line necessary to get to the server,
>         connect and pass a valid client name: Example: -u pnavarro -c
>         cdash_client -H p4server -p 1888
>       o Branch: The path specification to get access to the checked out
>         perforce branch. It's usually the client name: //cdash_client/...
> We've had this working for a week with no issues, we'll udpdate the
> patches if something comes up.
> Thanks!
> Pedro Navarro
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