[Cdash] Official CDash 2.0 release?

Julien Jomier julien.jomier at kitware.com
Thu Mar 1 08:56:34 UTC 2012

Hi Ingmar,

CDash 2.0 branch was tagged a couple weeks ago and we just (a couple 
hours ago) tagged the official 2.0.2 release. We'll send the official 
announcement soon, as we finalize the change logs and update the websites.

That said, feel free to upgrade to CDash 2.0.2.


On 01/03/2012 09:29, Gergel, Ingmar wrote:
> Hi there,
> we are currently running CDash 1.8.2 for monitoring the MITK project.
> Overall, the software performs good and allows for a quick and simple
> overview of the continuous integration process. However, as we are still
> encountering some problems, e.g. similar to bug 10975, the test count
> always shows in the sum one too little, I was wondering why CDash 2.0
> has not been officially released as a stable version on the homepage?
> According to the Change_Log page on the bugtracker, CDash 2.0 was
> already released at the end of 2010 and ITK and VTK use CDash 2.0 on
> their homepages…
> Is there a reason not to update from CDash 1.8 to 2.0?
> Best
> Ingmar
> **
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