[Cdash] CDash submission without HTTP PUT

Daniel Haehn daniel.haehn at childrens.harvard.edu
Tue Jun 5 13:29:54 UTC 2012

Hi Julien,

thanks this was very helpful!


On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 1:53 AM, Julien Jomier <julien.jomier at kitware.com> wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> On the CDash side, you should be able to do a POST and it should work.
> The only issue with POST is that usually the size of the post is limited
> (default is 2MB on most servers), but you might be able to increase that
> limit.
> Another option is to perform FTP and once the files are on the server,
> change the submit.php script to read the local file. You would need
> somehow to trigger that submit.php via an HTTP request. Changing the
> submit.php would not be complicated.
> Julien
> On 04/06/2012 23:23, Daniel Haehn wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> my new shared hoster does not allow HTTP PUT so the CDash default http
>> submission fails.
>> Is it still possible to submit via FTP? Is there another solution
>> maybe submit via POST?
>> Thank you so much,
>> Daniel

Daniel Haehn

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