[Cdash] Problem with cdash, subprojects and CTEST_USE_LAUNCHERS=TRUE ?

David Cole david.cole at kitware.com
Fri Aug 17 18:00:47 UTC 2012

On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 1:50 PM, Alexander Neundorf <neundorf at kde.org>wrote:

> **
> On Wednesday 08 August 2012, David Cole wrote:
> > Are the subprojects built via ExternalProject_Add calls?
> >
> > If so, and the default make command contains the "-i" flag, then
> > perhaps make will return no error even if there are build errors. And
> > if the make does not return an error, then ctest with launchers will
> > not report an error. (Whereas without launchers, it will simply scrape
> > the output looking for matches to the known set of error regular
> > expressions...)
> >
> > I'm pretty sure this is the case that we've seen before with a
> > subproject-based dashboard using a Super Build ExternalProject
> > approach...
> >
> > The solution is to either avoid using the launchers for such project
> > dashboards, or come up with a way to make "make" return errors when
> > there are build errors.
> >
> > If I am off base here, perhaps you could give steps to repro so I can
> > take a closer look?
> I got the same problem on a different project today.
> No cdash subprojects, 2 or 3 ExternalProjects and the big main project.
> When CTEST_USE_LAUNCHERS is TRUE, the build fails, but the dashboard is
> green, 0 build errors, 0 warnings.
> The build fails in the main project, not in the ExternalProjects.
> This is with cmake 2.8.9.
> Strange is that it works without problems for a similar project, which
> also has a few ExternalProjects, and where I didn't find differences in the
> setup or anything yet.
> Any tips how to debug what is going wrong ?

First try "--debug" and "-VV" on the ctest command line when you're calling
the -S script. Next, start adding printf debugging if necessary to the code
where the return values of launcher-launched programs are being calculated.
I bet one of those two things pinpoints what's going wrong. If not, you can
dig into the ctest code even deeper...

> I will look further into it next week.
> Alex
Good luck.

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