[Cdash] The individual bug pages in our projects dont work properly

Julien Jomier julien.jomier at kitware.com
Fri Jan 21 13:34:40 UTC 2011

Hi Kent,

Thanks for the information. Could you try something?

in the CDash/testDetails.php could you add:

   echo $xml;

at the line 273 before the lines:

   // Now doing the xslt transition


On 20/01/2011 22:16, kent williams wrote:
> We're using MySQL.  I upgraded from 1.6.2 (I believe, whatever was the
> latest back in October 2010), to the latest (I'm assuming 1.6.2) and
> in both cases I saw the problem I'm describing.
> I know we're using mysql, but I've mostly avoided dealing with mysql
> and the whole php/web server/sql type thing, so I don't know the steps
> to check for test 82695 in the database.
> I do know that the tests that were reported to be failing did in fact
> fail. Unfortunately for me, I've gotten this far in life without
> knowing how to monkey around under the hood of a LAMP web application.
> On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 3:03 PM, Julien Jomier
> <julien.jomier at kitware.com>  wrote:
>> Kent,
>> Thanks for the report. Someone submitted the same bug report. Were you
>> upgrading from CDash 1.6.2 to 1.8.2? Could you check the 'test' table and
>> check if the test 82695 exists and correspond to the right project?
>> Also which server and database (MySQL? PgSQL?) are you running?
>> Thanks,
>> Julien
>> On 20/01/2011 21:24, kent williams wrote:
>>> Here's a dashboard:
>>> http://testing.psychiatry.uiowa.edu/CDash/index.php?project=BRAINS3
>>> Here's what you get if you click through to a particular failing test:
>>> http://testing.psychiatry.uiowa.edu/CDash/testDetails.php?test=82695&build=6664
>>> Here's what you see if things are working properly:
>>> http://www.cdash.org/CDash/testDetails.php?test=70613650&build=830053
>>> I just installed the latest version of CDash on our server, but it
>>> seems like the test pages aren't generated properly, and I don't have
>>> any idea why.
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