[Cdash] source repository URL shown in CDASH

Julien Jomier julien.jomier at kitware.com
Tue Jan 18 09:35:14 UTC 2011

Hi Girish,

Which version of CDash are you using? And which repository viewer did 
you select?


On 18/01/2011 10:27, girish hilage wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a query regarding the source file URLs shown whenever there are
> some build errors in the build submitted to CDASH.
> For source files containing compile time errors there is a URL shown in
> CDASH as follows :
> CVS/SVN http://<repository_address>/browser/path/to/source/file
> but my actual should URL also contain "trunk/" after the word "browser/"
> in the URL.
> To achieve this I am giving following value in :
> ADMINISTRATION-->Project-->Repository
> Repository ViewerURL: <repository_address>/browser/trunk/
> But, this gives me final URL in CDASH as :
> http://<repository_address>/browser/trunk/browser/path/to/source/file
> ^^^^^^^^
> i.e. word "browser/" is again appended to whatever URL I have given in
> "Repository ViewerURL".
> Can I prevent word "browser/" from getting appended to the URL I am giving?
> Regards,
> Girish
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