[Cdash] ctest_empty_binary_directory()

Larry Procter larry at transpireinc.com
Mon Jun 21 18:51:34 UTC 2010


I have tried utilizing the "ctest_empty_binary_directory()" command in a
script that I run via "CTest -S" on Windows XP Pro 64-bit and I can't
seem to remove a directory, much less clean out any files contained
therein. The current documentation is:

        ctest_empty_binary_directory: empties the binary directory
          ctest_empty_binary_directory( directory )
        Removes a binary directory. This command will perform some
        checks prior to deleting the directory in an attempt to avoid
        malicious or accidental directory deletion. 
I have tried providing specific directory names as well as the
${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}.  I guess I just don't "get" any of the
CMake/CTest/CDash documentation because when I read this, it implies
that one may specify a directory for the "directory" parameter.

Before anyone asks, the script is being run as an administrator on a
directory owned by the administrator as well as the fact that all the
CMake/Ctest code runs as the administrator.

Any help would be appreciated,


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