[Cdash] Unable to add SVN URL via CDash "Project Administration"->"Repository" form

Julien Jomier julien.jomier at kitware.com
Tue Feb 9 14:45:17 UTC 2010

Hi Paul,

Glad to hear that CDash is running with nginx.

Could you check the cdash.log in the backup directory and see if you 
have any errors reported regarding the repositories not being inserted 
in the database. Also could you check the postgresql logs.

Note that you can setup a cronjob for continuous build reported to CDash 
(you don't need the repository setup in CDash).

Regarding build management in CDash, I have started a wiki page. It is 
still in progress (and in beta).



On 2/8/2010 7:41 PM, Paul Reimer wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am new to CDash/CTest, but a long time CMake user. I have configured
> CDash running behind an nginx frontend, with requests served via FastCGI
> processes (which in turn are spawned by supervisord).
> I have created a new project, and using the CTestConfig.cmake file
> generated from the Project Administration page can successfully submit
> Experimental builds from Linux, OS X, and Windows (thank you Kitware!)
> However, I run into problems when I try to add the URL of the Subversion
> repository. For any URL I enter, as soon as I click the "Update Project"
> button, any text I have entered into the Repository, Username, or
> Password field is lost. No rows are added to the repositories table (I
> checked using pgAdmin as I am using Postgres). My project is hosted on
> Sourceforge, but the php user has the appropriate auth in the
> ~/.subversion directory. I have tried other Sourceforge projects, a
> couple Googlecode projects, and even a CVS repo in case the problem is
> specifically with SVN. In all the SVN cases, I enter an HTTP(S) URL
> without a trailing slash.
> Please advise how I can setup a Continuous build that is compiled/tested
> via the same machine running the CDash process, even if I have to
> manually add it to the database.
> Cheers,
> Paul
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