[Cdash] Dashboard view only shows last build with APPEND, but build page shows both

David Cole david.cole at kitware.com
Mon Aug 16 15:00:15 UTC 2010

On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 12:42 AM, O'Shea, David <
OShea.D at emsglobaltracking.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm using 'ctest -S' to run a script which performs configure, build
> ('make all'), test, coverage, and then an additional build ('make
> doc'), and submitting the result to CDash 1.6.4.
> Here is what I think is the "interesting" part of the script:
> >>>
> ctest_empty_binary_directory(${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY})
> ctest_start("Experimental")
> ctest_configure(OPTIONS [...])
> ctest_read_custom_files(${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY})
> ctest_build(APPEND)
> # tried with and without "APPEND" in ctest_build() above
> ctest_test()
> ctest_coverage()
>    [...])
> ctest_submit()
> ctest_start("Experimental" APPEND)
> # tried with and without the additional call to ctest_start() above
> ctest_build(TARGET "doc"
>            APPEND)
> ctest_submit(PARTS Build)
> <<<
> For the purposes of my test, I've made the first ctest_build() report
> 1 warning plus 2 errors, and the second ctest_build() report 4
> warnings.
> The issue I'm having is that, after the first ctest_submit(), the main
> dashboard page in CDash shows in the "Build" columns the warnings and
> errors from the first ctest_build() (1 warning plus 2 errors), but
> once the second ctest_submit() has been executed, only the results of
> the second ctest_build() are shown (0 errors and 4 warnings).
> When I click on the build name in the "Build Name" column to see the
> details of the build, in the "Current Build" table, it shows the total
> errors (2) and warnings (5), which is what I'd expect to see on the
> main dashboard page.
> I assume this is a bug, and not by design?

Correct -- this *was* a bug in CDash. I know the fix was committed to svn
trunk of CDash within the past several weeks. Is there any way you can try
this scenario with an "svn trunk" installation of CDash, or do you not have
control over the CDash server...?

It should be fixed in svn trunk of CDash, and in the next official release
(1.8, sometime later this year?).


> As a workaround, I would have liked to have been able to use
> ctest_build() to build both targets at once, but from the
> documentation it seems this is not possible, and I can't make a CMake
> target which depends on both "doc" and "all" either.  The only option
> I can see then is to have CMakeLists.txt optionally make "all" depend
> on "doc" (I don't want to do this all the time, so would need to pass
> this in as an option via ctest_configure()).  Any other suggestions
> are welcome!
> Thanks in advance,
> David
> ----------------------------------------------
> David O'Shea
> Senior Engineer
> EMS SATCOM Pacific Pty Ltd.
> OShea.D at emsglobaltracking.com
> www.emsglobaltracking.com
> T: +61 8 8260 8187
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