[Cdash] [CMake] CTest/CDash and git

Andrew Maclean andrew.amaclean at gmail.com
Fri Oct 23 12:25:05 UTC 2009

Thankyou for this.

On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 11:21 PM, Brad King <brad.king at kitware.com> wrote:
> Andrew Maclean wrote:
>> I guess the subject says it all. What is the status of using CMake,
>> Ctest and CDash with git?
> CMake 2.8 comes with a CTest that can drive dashboards using git-based
> work trees (plus hg and bzr).  The ctest_update() command runs "git pull"
> to update the work tree, and reports file-wise changes.  It doesn't support
> the nightly start time since that doesn't make sense for DVCS.  Nightly
> builds currently just pull the latest version.
> -Brad
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Andrew J. P. Maclean
Centre for Autonomous Systems
The Rose Street Building J04
The University of Sydney  2006  NSW
Ph: +61 2 9351 3283
Fax: +61 2 9351 7474
URL: http://www.acfr.usyd.edu.au/

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