[Cdash] Remove builds problem

Julien Jomier julien.jomier at kitware.com
Sat Nov 7 18:53:52 EST 2009

Hi Tobias,

Could you try to run the autoRemoveBuilds.php script from the command 
line and see if that works?

   php5 autoRemoveBuilds.php all (or the name of the project).

Note that if you are using MySQL and MyISAM tables, the database size 
might not change until you optimize it.


Tobias Kaupp wrote:
> Hi all,
> my cdash database has grown very large, so I've just tried to delete old 
> builds using the [Manage Backups]->[Remove builds] button on the web 
> interface. It didn't work (cdash version 1.4.2).
> The browser's request never finalises even if I specify very short time 
> periods for deletion. I actually have to restart the apache server because I 
> can't get the browser out of that "hanging" state (HTTP requests to non-cdash 
> files still work). I couldn't find any error traces in the apache or mysql log 
> files.
> Independently, I also set $CDASH_AUTOREMOVE_BUILDS='1' in config.php and 
> configured my project to autoremove older builds. This didn't seem to do 
> anything (I waited for a day).
> Any ideas?
> Regards, Tobias

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