[Cdash] Remove builds problem

Tobias Kaupp t.kaupp at cas.edu.au
Sat Nov 7 18:20:57 EST 2009

Hi all,

my cdash database has grown very large, so I've just tried to delete old 
builds using the [Manage Backups]->[Remove builds] button on the web 
interface. It didn't work (cdash version 1.4.2).

The browser's request never finalises even if I specify very short time 
periods for deletion. I actually have to restart the apache server because I 
can't get the browser out of that "hanging" state (HTTP requests to non-cdash 
files still work). I couldn't find any error traces in the apache or mysql log 

Independently, I also set $CDASH_AUTOREMOVE_BUILDS='1' in config.php and 
configured my project to autoremove older builds. This didn't seem to do 
anything (I waited for a day).

Any ideas?

Regards, Tobias

Dr Tobias Kaupp
Research Fellow
The Australian Centre for Field Robotics          
The Rose St Building, J04                          
The University of Sydney, NSW 2006                      

Phone:  +61 2 9036 7057
Fax:    +61 2 9351 7474
Email:  t.kaupp at cas.edu.au
Web:    http://www.cas.edu.au/content.php/232.html?personid=45

Dr Tobias Kaupp
Research Fellow
The Australian Centre for Field Robotics          
The Rose St Building, J04                          
The University of Sydney, NSW 2006                      

Phone:  +61 2 9036 7057
Fax:    +61 2 9351 7474
Email:  t.kaupp at cas.edu.au
Web:    http://www.cas.edu.au/content.php/232.html?personid=45

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