[Cdash] Cdash upgrade problems

Tobias Kaupp t.kaupp at cas.edu.au
Sat May 2 05:03:17 UTC 2009


I've just upgraded to 1.4.1 according to the instructions (including
pressing the "Upgrade Cdash button"). It seems to have worked ok but I still
get a few error messages:

When logged in as admin, the cdash/user.php page reports:

SQL error in Project GetNumberOfPassingBuilds():Unknown column
'buildgroup.includesubprojectotal' in 'where clause'
SQL error in Project GetNumberOfErrorBuilds():Unknown column
'buildgroup.includesubprojectotal' in 'where clause'
SQL error in Project GetNumberOfWarningBuilds():Unknown column
'buildgroup.includesubprojectotal' in 'where clause'
SQL error in Project GetNumberOfPassingBuilds():Unknown column
'buildgroup.includesubprojectotal' in 'where clause'
SQL error in Project GetNumberOfErrorBuilds():Unknown column
'buildgroup.includesubprojectotal' in 'where clause'
SQL error in Project GetNumberOfWarningBuilds():Unknown column
'buildgroup.includesubprojectotal' in 'where clause'

The cdash/index.php page says:

"The current database shema doesn't match the version of CDash you are
running, upgrade your database structure in the Administration/CDash
maintenance panel of Cdash"

... which I had done previously. When clicking the "Upgrade Cdash button"
again, I get the following output:

Upgrading tables:
Applying 0.8 patches:
Applying 1.0 patches:
Applying 1.2 patches:

CDash Upgrade Successful.

I noticed that there are no 1.4 patches. At the top of the page it keeps
saying: "Current CDash database schema:1.2". I am sure it's running the
1.4.1 version (the footer tells me Cdash 1.4.1 (c) 2009).

Any clues?

Cheers, Tobias

Tobias Kaupp
Research Fellow, PhD

The Australian Centre for Field Robotics     
The Rose St Building, J04                          
The University of Sydney, NSW 2006                      

Phone:  +61 2 9036 7057
Fax:    +61 2 9351 7474
Email:  t.kaupp at cas.edu.au
Web: http://www.cas.edu.au/content.php/232.html?personid=45

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