[Cdash] Setting up weekly tests using ctest

Martin Apel martin.apel at simpack.de
Fri Jul 10 09:05:02 UTC 2009

Hi Dan,

that's what we do for nightly tests as well. The problem is more: How do
I tell CTest to submit tests to a separate "weekly" track and have them
visible in CDash separated from the nightly tests?


Dan Schmidt wrote:
> Hey Martin,
> How about scheduling the type of test that you'd like to run with the
> OS scheduler. We run tests every couple of hours and do it with the
> Unix crontab and the Windows task scheduler.
> ------
> Dan
> > Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 09:46:13 +0200
> > From: martin.apel at simpack.de
> > To: cdash at public.kitware.com; cmake at cmake..org
> > Subject: [Cdash] Setting up weekly tests using ctest
> >
> > Hi there,
> >
> > I am currently running nightly builds and accompanying tests using CMake
> > and CDash. However, our software is rather computationally expensive, so
> > we'd like to perform more extensive tests every weekend, because one
> > night is too short for these. I only found documentation on setting up
> > nightly, experimental and continuous builds (and tests), but not
> > arbitrary, e.g. weekly tests. I tried to explicitly set the --track
> > option of ctest to "Weekly", which succeeded, but the tests didn't show
> > up in CDash. Can anybody tell me, how to set up tests
> > for weekly intervals?
> >
> > Martin
> >
> >
> >
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Martin Apel                                     Tel:     0049 8153 9288-47
Software Architect                              E-Mail:  martin.apel at simpack.de

INTEC GmbH                                      Tel:     0049 8153 9288-0
Argelsrieder Feld 13                            Fax:     0049 8153 9288-11
82234 Wessling                                  E-Mail:  intec at simpack.de
Germany                                         URL:     http://www.simpack.com

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