[Cdash] configuring subprojects

Nathaniel Waisbrot (Cont ARL/CISD) nathaniel.waisbrot at arl.army.mil
Thu Jul 16 15:26:47 UTC 2009

I'd like to set up CDash to use sub-projects, as seen here:


On the Trilinos dashboard, multiple smaller projects' results are
reported and then aggregated into the top-level "Trilinos" project.

I'm having trouble finding any documentation on how to do the
configuration, though.  My dashboard submissions end up going to the
top-level project instead of the subordinates.

I'd like the sub-projects to be able to run independently.  So, for
example, someone could build "xframework" one day with 1 error, and
someone else "Qt" the next day with 2 errors, and the dashboard would
show the "CSE" super-project with 3 errors in total.

Is this possible?  Anyone able to offer some instructions?

Nathaniel Waisbrot
Software Dev Analyst
Lockheed Martin / ARL DoD Supercomputing Resource Center
Adelphi Laboratory Center, MD 20783
Phone:  301-394-0096
Email:  nathaniel.waisbrot at arl.army.mil

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