[Cdash] CDash KWStyle output integration.

Julien Jomier julien.jomier at kitware.com
Wed Apr 8 12:41:38 UTC 2009


This is definitely in our radar. KWStyle was integrated with Dart (with 
some modifications required on the Dart server itself), and we plan to 
work on the KWStyle integration in the near future.

We'll keep you posted,

Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been playing around with KWStyle for some vxl code and I am
> using the -html and -kwsurl options together with -dart to generate
> output to be submitted to the dashboard. The -dart option is supported
> properly in CDash:
> http://cga.ece.uprm.edu/CDash/viewBuildError.php?buildid=30
> However, the -kwsurl doesn't seem to be supported. The output
> generated by KWStyle is correct (that is, it containes the <Url> and
> <UrlName> tags containing the information necessary):
> http://cga.ece.uprm.edu/CDash/backup/vxl-vpgl_medalla.ece.uprm.edu_KWStyle_20090407-0155-Style_Build.xml
> But CDash doesn't seem to be using this information to present it
> anywhere. Am I missing something, or is this a work in progress?
> Thanks,
> --Miguel
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