[Cdash] My submissions do not appear in the dashboard any more??

Eric Noulard eric.noulard at gmail.com
Fri Apr 17 12:01:59 UTC 2009


I've recently realized that my dashboard submission for 2 projects
HLA TestSuites

Are not reaching the dashboard anymore, I did not remember changing
anything on my side....

How can I investigate the problem?

The trace of last Experimental submission does not exhibit problem??:

/LOCAL/ERIC/CertiNightly/build$ ctest --overwrite Site="ErkAtONERA"
--overwrite BuildName="Linux-i686-gcc-4.1.2" -D Experimental
   Site: ErkAtONERA
   Build name: Linux-i686-gcc-4.1.2
Create new tag: 20090417-1152 - Experimental
Start processing tests
Configure project
   Each . represents 1024 bytes of output
    . Size of output: 0K
Build project
   Each symbol represents 1024 bytes of output.
   '!' represents an error and '*' a warning.
    . Size of output: 0K
   0 Compiler errors
   0 Compiler warnings
Test project /LOCAL/ERIC/CertiNightly/build
  1/  2 Testing HLAtypes                         Passed
  2/  2 Testing CertiUtilTests                   Passed

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 2
Performing coverage
 Cannot find any coverage files. Ignoring Coverage request.
Submit files (using http)
   Using HTTP submit method
   Drop site: http://www.cdash.org/CDashPublic/submit.php?project=CERTI
   Uploaded: /LOCAL/ERIC/CertiNightly/build/Testing/20090417-1152/Build.xml
   Uploaded: /LOCAL/ERIC/CertiNightly/build/Testing/20090417-1152/Configure.xml
   Uploaded: /LOCAL/ERIC/CertiNightly/build/Testing/20090417-1152/Test.xml
   Submission successful

You'll find attached the "apparently" submitted files.
I'm currently using ctest version 2.6-patch 4 RC-4, however I did
experience the problem
with elder 2.6.x too. I did not track down yet when it began to fail
submitting report.

Any ideas?

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