[Cdash] Automation and nightly trigger

Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva miguelf at ieee.org
Fri Jun 20 18:10:13 UTC 2008

On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 5:34 AM, Uhlig, Florian wrote:
>> >   2. Is there a way to request a build/rebuild (on demand) from a
>> > particular build client?
>> Not that I know of. The way it was designed is opposite to
>> what you are requesting, this is called 'Continuous'. You
>> setup a cronjob to run arbitrarily every 10 min (for example)
>> and only if anything has changed, then the
>> configure/build/test/submit steps will be executed.
> If you use a SVN repository you can use one of the hooks, for example
> post-commit (http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.ref.reposhooks.post-commit.html),
> to trigger a build, whenever there is a change in the repository.


Using a post-commit trigger would work if you are interested in only
submitting builds from the machine that hosts the repository or if you
somehow provide the infrastructure to broadcast the trigger to all the
clients that have the code checked out... right?

I think the continuous build approach is better if you want to
maintain a continuous build from several heterogeneous
machines/environments. It is quite easy to set up with the only
drawback that you need to constantly probe for changes in the repo.


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