[Cdash] Automation and nightly trigger

Uhlig, Florian F.Uhlig at gsi.de
Thu Jun 19 09:34:19 UTC 2008


> >   2. Is there a way to request a build/rebuild (on demand) from a 
> > particular build client?
> Not that I know of. The way it was designed is opposite to 
> what you are requesting, this is called 'Continuous'. You 
> setup a cronjob to run arbitrarily every 10 min (for example) 
> and only if anything has changed, then the 
> configure/build/test/submit steps will be executed.

If you use a SVN repository you can use one of the hooks, for example
post-commit (http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.ref.reposhooks.post-commit.html),
to trigger a build, whenever there is a change in the repository.



Florian Uhlig
Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung
Planckstr. 1       64291 Darmstadt
Tel 06159 71 1618
email: f.uhlig at gsi.de 

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