[Cdash] CDash Plots - lines versus bar charts

Julien Jomier julien.jomier at kitware.com
Sat Apr 5 01:18:19 UTC 2008


That's a great point. I just tested it and it looks much better. It will 
  be included in the 1.0 release.


Bill Lorensen wrote:
> Folks,
> It seems to me, that the pass/fail plots (e.g.
> http://public.kitware.com/CDash/testDetails.php?test=1843937&build=43418
> ) should be bar charts and not line charts. Line charts are better for
> continuous variables, not discrete variables. Also, the timing charts
> might be better with bar charts since there is little correlation
> between day to day times (e.g.
> http://public.kitware.com/CDash/testDetails.php?test=1843937&build=43418
> ).
> Pre Dart/CDash, our timing charts looked like the attached.
> Bill
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