[VTK ARB] Thanks for participating

Will Schroeder will.schroeder at kitware.com
Thu Jul 9 19:32:33 EDT 2015

Thanks to all who could participate today. I thought the discussions today
were absolutely fantastic. I'd like to follow up with a couple of you

- Ken and Jim the large scale computing perspective is extremely helpful. I
think it keeps us on the straight and narrow. Ken I'd appreciate it if you
could occasionally update the ARB and eventually the VTK developers with
VTK-m progress.

- Bill please as you make progress on the remote modules ask for help and
we'll do what we can. I'm sure there is some CMake magic that may need some
special spells.

- Steve: thanks for reminding us of the importance of going beyond the VTK
graphics model to support shaders, etc. We've talked about this before and
set it aside as the OpenGL2 work was being done. I think we are ready to
face the challenge of building some programmable/extensible classes in VTK.
Depending on how things go we may need to continue the conversation.

- David G.: you briefly mentioned the need to address certain VTK
interaction issues for medical computing. We didn't have time to fully
explore this topic, can I call you in the next week or two to talk about
your concerns?

Please, if anything relative to the 6.3 release comes up, loop in Dave
DeMarle as soon as possible.

Thanks again,

William J. Schroeder, PhD
Kitware, Inc.
28 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065
will.schroeder at kitware.com
(518) 881-4902
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