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Revision as of 15:01, 7 October 2008 by Sbusch (talk | contribs) (Preprocessor definition for console apps added)
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This was taken from a thread on the CMake users mailing list found here:


Basically the following is needed in your cmakelists.txt file.

   set_target_properties(WindowApplicationExample PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS_DEBUG "/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE")
   set_target_properties(WindowApplicationExample PROPERTIES COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_DEBUG "_CONSOLE")
   set_target_properties(WindowApplicationExample PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO "/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE")
   set_target_properties(WindowApplicationExample PROPERTIES COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_RELWITHDEBINFO "_CONSOLE")
   set_target_properties(WindowApplicationExample PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS_RELEASE "/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS")
   set_target_properties(WindowApplicationExample PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL "/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS")

This will cause debug builds to use the console and release builds to NOT show a console.

Search Engine: Visual Studio 2005 2008 console show hide debug release how to configuration