TubeTK/Developers FAQ

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Use Compression

ITK, regretfully, doesn't write compressed images by default. You must add one line to your code, to write compressed images:

   typename ImageWriterType::Pointer writer = ImageWriterType::New();
   writer->SetFileName( outputVolume.c_str() );
   writer->SetInput( cropFilter.GetOutput() );
   writer->SetUseCompression( true );                             // ADD THIS LINE

Use Compression 2

Please store images in TubeTK/Data in a compressed format.

Baseline images

Baseline images should be stored with their tests. We'd like to keep TubeTK's modules as portable and self-contained as possible. We'll share input data by placing it in TubeTK/Data, but data specific to a particular test (e.g., baseline images) should be stored with the test. We've decided on the filesystem hierarchy


for storing the baseline images for the tests for myprogram.

In particular, don't put baseline images in TubeTK/Data.