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This page describes how to use ITK from .NET.

  1. Download CMake, ITK source code, and SWIG
  2. Build ITK (see here for help)
  3. Create the following CMakeLists.txt file:

    <syntaxhighlight lang="make">

    1. File: CMakeLists.txt

    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)


    find_package(ITK REQUIRED) include(${ITK_USE_FILE})

    add_library(ExampleWrapper SHARED example.h example.hxx example_wrap.cxx) target_link_libraries(ExampleWrapper ${ITK_LIBRARIES}) </syntaxhighlight>

  4. Create the following example.h file:

    <syntaxhighlight lang="cpp"> // File : example.h

    1. ifndef __example_h
    2. define __example_h
    1. include <string>

    template<class TPixel, unsigned int VDimension> void SmoothImage(

       const std::string input, const std::string output, const double sigma


    1. include "example.hxx"
    1. endif // __example_h


  5. Create the following example.hxx file:

    <syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">

    1. ifndef __example_hxx
    2. define __example_hxx
    1. include "example.h"
    1. include "itkImage.h"
    2. include "itkImageFileReader.h"
    3. include "itkImageFileWriter.h"
    4. include "itkSmoothingRecursiveGaussianImageFilter.h"

    template<class TPixel, unsigned int VDimension> void SmoothImage(

       const std::string input, const std::string output, const double sigma

    ) {

       // Read input
       typedef itk::Image<TPixel,VDimension> ImageType;
       typedef itk::ImageFileReader<ImageType> ReaderType;
       ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New();
       // Apply filter
       typedef itk::SmoothingRecursiveGaussianImageFilter<ImageType> FilterType;
       FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();
       // Write output
       typedef itk::ImageFileWriter<ImageType> WriterType;
       WriterType::Pointer writer = WriterType::New();


    1. endif // __example_hxx


  6. Create the following example.i file (instructs SWIG how to generate the wrapper):

    <syntaxhighlight lang="cpp"> // File : example.i %module example %include "std_string.i"


    1. include "example.h"


    %include "example.h"

    %template(SmoothImageUC2)SmoothImage<unsigned char, 2>; %template(SmoothImageF2) SmoothImage<float, 2>; </syntaxhighlight>

  7. Run SWIG using the following command: swig -c++ -csharp -dllimport ExampleWrapper example.i
  8. Run CMake, configure and generate, build the project. The result should be ExampleWrapper.dll
  9. Create the following runme.cs C# file:

    <syntaxhighlight lang="csharp"> // File: runme.cs using System;

    public class runme {

       static void Main() {
           try {
                   input: "C:/Temp/cthead1.png",
                   output: "C:/Temp/cthead1-smooth.png",
                   sigma: 5.0
           } catch (Exception ex) {

    } </syntaxhighlight>

  10. Build the C# executable. For Mono use the following: mcs -platform:x86 -target:exe -out:example.exe *.cs