ITK/Release 4/Modularization/Prototype/Tutorial

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  • Toy modular ITK design

This tutorial demonstrates the prototype of modularized ITK with a toy example containing seven modules and a testing application. The seven library modules are:

 * itk-vnl (a subset of numeric libraries of VXL),
 * kwsys (a supporting library for system information/tools ? ?),
 * itk-common (core classes, macro definitions, typedefs, and other software constructs central to ITK),
 * itk-io-common (classes that support the reading and writing of data),
 * nrrdio (third-party library),
 * itk-io-nrrd (itk wrapper of nrrdio).
 * itk-zlib (zlib library wrapped up for nirrdio)

The application "test-itk-nrrd" module contains one test program that reads and writes images in Nrrd format.

  • CMake prototyping

To enable ITK developers download and configure the whole modularized ITK package, we designed several cmake magics to serve the modularized ITK . The major challenge is to manage dependencies between the modules. Two strategies using CMake have been proposed so far and both are demonstrated in this tutorial. A classic CMake approach is to use "add_subdirectory" to include each module in correct order according to their dependencies. Git submodule is used to obtain all the modules all together with specific versions. Here we refer this approach as "itk-complete" approach (Method A). Another approach is to use the state-of-the-art cmake function "add_export_project" to automate the process of pulling selected modules from their repositories and building them. Users can select the specific modules they need for their applications from the cmake gui.We refer to this second approach as "itk-optional" approach (Method B).


  • A computer with a network connection
  • A build environment (gcc / VS)
  • CMake 2.8.2 installed([1])
  • Git 1.7.x.x installed ([2])



The repositories of the seven modules in the toy modular ITK are listed as follows. They can be build separately with manually specified (via cmake) paths for their required depending modules.


Tests of each modules can be found on the dashboard:

Method A: itk-complete

Download the itk-complete superproject package to the source directory (/src) using Git :

git clone git://

In the created itk-complete directory: ".gitsubmodule" file contains all submodules' urls; "itk-depends" module contains the dependencies among the modules and cmake codes to configure the superproject according to the dependencies. You will also see empty directories created for the seven modules.

Download toy modular ITK modules using [ git submodule] :

# enter the itk-complete directory 
cd itk-complete
# add the submodule repository URLs
git submodule init
# clone the repositories and check out the commits specified in the superproject
git submodule update 

Now you have all the source codes ready for building the toy modular ITK.

Build itk-complete project in the build directory (/bin):

#CMake configure and generate
cd /bin/itk-complete
ccmake /src/itk-complete


Till now you have successfully build the modular ITK project from source codes. Their dependencies are automatically configured according to the predefined dependencies in the package.

Test itk-complete with an example application:

 # get the test package app-itk-complete
 git clone git://
 cd /bin/app-itk-complete
 ccmake /src/app-itk-complete

Method B: itk-optional

Download the itk-optional package using Git to the source directory (/src):

git clone git://

Download the dependency module :

# download to the itk-optional directory 
cd itk-optional
git clone git://

Build itk-complete project in the build directory (/bin):

#CMake configure and generate
cd /bin/itk-optional
ccmake /src/itk-optional

#compile and build

Test itk-complete with an example application:

 # get the test package app-itk-optional
 git clone git://
 cd /bin/app-itk-optional
 ccmake /src/app-itk-optional

CDash Tests

url for the nightly run

Tests with MIDAS data

The testing data in this tutorial are all stored remotely in MIDAS.

CMake command ... midas_ctest() automatically obtain the data from MIDAS server according to a midas_key file associate with the data.
