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How to use sdcc with CMake

SDCC is a free, retargettable, optimizing ANSI - C compiler for 8- and 16bit controllers, for more information visit You can use CMake to generate build files for sdcc.

MinGW is the GNU toolchain for Windows, it also exists as cross compiler under Linux (and probably other UNIXes). You can use it to build Windows software on Linux.

Installing sdcc

If you want to build (static) libraries, you need sdcc 2.7.1 (not yet released as of June 2007) or newer or sdcc from svn. If you don't need libraries, you can also use older versions of sdcc. With Ubuntu/Debian you can simply install it using apt: "apt-get install sdcc". You can of course also build this toolchain from sources yourself, you can find instructions at .

Write a CMake toolchain file

For CMake to be able to crosscompile software, it requires you to write a toolchain file, which tells CMake some information about the toolchain. For sdcc it will look like:

# the name of the target operating system

# which compilers to use for C and C++

# here is the target environment is located
SET(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH  /usr/share/sdcc /home/alex/sdcc-install )

# adjust the default behaviour of the FIND_XXX() commands:
# search headers and libraries in the target environment, search 
# programs in the host environment

Save this file as Toolchain-sdcc.cmake to some location where you will put all your toolchain files, e.g. $HOME. As you can see CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH is set to /usr/share/sdcc, which contains the headers and libraries installed with sdcc, and /home/alex/sdcc-install/. This second directory is intended to hold other libraries you will compile using sdcc, they should be installed under this install prefix. This way the FIND_XXX() commands in CMake will find both the headers and libraries coming with the toolchain as well as additional libraries you have built for this platform.

Build the software with sdcc

Let's say you have a very simple program with a CMake based buildsystem and want to build this using sdcc. main.c:

int main()
   return 42;


ADD_EXECUTABLE(hello main.c)

Then run CMake on it to generate the buildfiles, the important point is that you tell it to use the toochain file you just wrote:

~/src/helloworld/ $ mkdir build
~/src/helloworld/ $ cd build
~/src/helloworld/build/ $ cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=~/Toolchain-sdcc.cmake ..
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/alex/src/helloworld/build
~/src/helloworld/build/ $ make
Scanning dependencies of target hello
[100%] Building C object CMakeFiles/hello.dir/main.rel
Linking C executable hello.ihx
[100%] Built target hello

So that's all. It actually doesn't matter whether it's just a "hello world" or some complex piece of software, the only difference is the usage of the toolchain file. If the software has all required configure checks (which is quite unlikely for 8/16 bit controller systems), it should just build also with this toolchain.

Building simple software with sdcc

If you have a software which is simple to build (which doesn't say anything about the actual code), you don't really need the toolchain file. "Simple" means that there are no platform tests, especially no FIND_XXX() commands in the CMake files. This may be the case for many embedded projects. Then all you have to set is CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME and CMAKE_C_COMPILER:

$ cmake -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Generic -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=sdcc <source dir>

This is enough to select the correct toolchain and target platform. If the target platform has no operating system, "Generic" has to be used.