CTest:Submission Issues

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CTest supports four submission methods:

Dart Classic:

  • FTP with HTTP client initiated trigger
  • HTTP with HTTP client initiated trigger
  • SCP with server side trigger


  • XML-RPC with no trigger

The submission methods are configured by a set of variables, which should be set in CTestConfig.cmake in your source tree. For backward compatibility also DartConfig.cmake is supported, it has the same syntax as CTestConfig.cmake, except that the variables don't have the "CTEST_" prefix (e.g. DROP_METHOD instead of CTEST_DROP_METHOD). CMake will read this file and create a DartConfiguration.tcl with the respective settings in the build tree.


Dart2 uses XML-RPC over HTTP to perform submission of data and does not require triggering.

Example CTestConfig.cmake flags:

 SET (CTEST_DROP_SITE "http://www.na-mic.org:8081/")

Example DartConfiguration.tcl flags:

 DropMethod: xmlrpc
 DropSite: http://www.na-mic.org:8081/
 DropLocation: Insight


This is preferred submission method for the original Dart dashboards. It uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol's (HTTP) PUT option to send submission data to the server. Once data is uploaded, it uses HTTP to trigger the actual submission of the data to the dashboard.

Example CTestConfig.cmake flags:

 SET (CTEST_DROP_SITE "public.kitware.com")
 SET (CTEST_DROP_LOCATION "/cgi-bin/HTTPUploadDartFile.cgi")
 SET (CTEST_TRIGGER_SITE "http://${DROP_SITE}/cgi-bin/Submit-Random-TestingResults.cgi")

Example DartConfiguration.tcl flags:

 DropMethod: http
 DropSite: public.kitware.com
 DropLocation: /cgi-bin/HTTPUploadDartFile.cgi
 TriggerSite: http://public.kitware.com/cgi-bin/Submit-Random-TestingResults.cgi


Default submission method for legacy purposes. This is the method original Dart preferred. It uses File Transfer Protocol (FTP) to send submission data to the server. Once data is uploaded, it uses HTTP to trigger the actual submission of the data to the dashboard.

Example CTestConfig.cmake flags:

 SET (CTEST_DROP_SITE "public.kitware.com")
 SET (CTEST_TRIGGER_SITE "http://${DROP_SITE}/cgi-bin/Submit-Random-TestingResults.cgi")

Example DartConfiguration.tcl flags:

 DropMethod: ftp
 DropSite: public.kitware.com
 DropLocation: /incoming
 DropSiteUser: ftpuser
 DropSitePassword: public
 TriggerSite: http://public.kitware.com/cgi-bin/Submit-Random-TestingResults.cgi


When security is important SCP submission method can be used.

Example CTestConfig.cmake flags:

 SET (CTEST_DROP_SITE "public.kitware.com")

Example DartConfiguration.tcl flags:

 DropMethod: scp
 DropSite: public.kitware.com
 DropLocation: /incoming
 DropSiteUser: someuser
 DropSitePassword: public
 TriggerSite: http://public.kitware.com/cgi-bin/Submit-Random-TestingResults.cgi
 ScpCommand: /usr/bin/scp

This method requires external tool to do the actual transfer and does not perform the trigger. Trigger has to be done on the server. Example script that will do it is this:

#!/usr/bin/perl -ws
# Script that will move testing results from the project incomming
# directory to the appropriate location for dashboard summarization.  

use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
use File::Path;

if ( $#ARGV < 0 )
	die "No project specified";
	$project = "Xdmf";
$project = $ARGV[0];

$dropLocation = "/projects/FTP/incoming/".$project;
$destination = "/projects/".$project."/Testing/".$project."-Testing/Testing/HTML/TestingResults/Sites";

opendir(DIR, $dropLocation) || die "Cannot open directory ".$dropLocation." - ".$!;
@files = grep { ! /^\./ && -f "$dropLocation/$_" } readdir(DIR);
closedir DIR;

foreach $file (@files) {
	$xmlfile = $file;
	$xmlfile =~ s/%(..)/sprintf("%c", hex($1))/g;   # unquote %-quoted

		print "Processing file: ".$xmlfile."\n";

	$fullPathToIncomingXMLFile = $dropLocation . "/" . $xmlfile;
	if (-e $fullPathToIncomingXMLFile) {
# file exists, so lets move it

# first, translate the xml filename to a directory path
		$xmlfile =~ s|___|/|g;

# for security reasons, disallow any file with ".." in the user 
# specified path to keep people from storing files just anywhere in
# the host directory structure
		$securityCheck = $xmlfile;
		if ( ($securityCheck =~ /\.\./) ) {
			print "For security reasons, $xmlfile cannot be accepted.\n";

# construct destination path and filename
		$fullPathToDestinationXMLFile = $destination . "/" . $xmlfile;
		mkpath( dirname( $fullPathToDestinationXMLFile ) );

# now copy the file to destination
		move( $fullPathToIncomingXMLFile, $fullPathToDestinationXMLFile);

		print "$xmlfile submission successful.\n";
	else {
# specified file does not exist
		print "$xmlfile submission failed. $xmlfile is not in the dropbox.\n";


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