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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

 This is a simple anisotropic shader.  The lighting model is taken from
 "Efficient Rendering of Anisotropic Surfaces Using Computer Graphics" by
 Heidrich and Seidel (who get their shading from "Illumination in Diverse
 Codimensions" by Banks who in derived his model from "Rendering Fur With
 Three Dimensional Textures" by Kajiya and Kay.

 Copyright 2006 Sandia Corporation.
 Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000, there is a non-exclusive
 license for use of this work by or on behalf of the
 U.S. Government. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with
 or without modification, are permitted provided that this Notice and any
 statement of authorship are reproduced on all copies.

<Material name="Anisotropic"
  <Property name="AnisotropicHighlights">
    <Member name="SpecularColor" number_of_elements="3"
            type="float" value="1.0 1.0 1.0"/>
    <Member name="Specular" number_of_elements="1"
            type="float" value="1.0"/>
    <Member name="SpecularPower" number_of_elements="1"
            type="float" value="50.0"/>

  <Shader scope="Vertex"
    <Uniform name="ScratchAxis" type="float"
             number_of_elements="3" value="0.0 0.0 1.0"/>
/* This is the vertex program for a simple anisotropic shader.  The lighting
 * model is taken from "Efficient Rendering of Anisotropic Surfaces Using
 * Computer Graphics" by Heidrich and Seidel (who get their shading from
 * "Illumination in Diverse Codimensions" by Banks who in derived his model from
 * "Rendering Fur With Three Dimensional Textures" by Kajiya and Kay.
 * This anisotropic lighting model simulates the effect of a material with
 * microscopic fibers, scratches, or grooves that are aligned in a particular
 * direction.  That direction must be known in advanced.  Since we usually don't
 * have a direction in mind, we just fabricate one here.  We do this by taking
 * the cross product of the object coordinate with a given vector and projecting
 * that onto the tangent plane.  This creates fibers that rotate about the
 * vector.  It is a nice effect for most objects, but creates singularities
 * along the vector (where the rotation is of radius 0) and where the surface
 * normal happens to be perpendicular to both the object coordinate vector and
 * the given vector (which can happen everywhere on the plane containing both
 * the given vector and the origin).

 * Copyright 2006 Sandia Corporation.
 * Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000, there is a non-exclusive
 * license for use of this work by or on behalf of the
 * U.S. Government. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with
 * or without modification, are permitted provided that this Notice and any
 * statement of authorship are reproduced on all copies.

varying vec3 Normal;
varying vec3 Tangent;

uniform vec3 ScratchAxis;

/* This function projects the vector v onto the plane defined by normal n.
 * the magnitude of n should be 1. */
vec3 projectOnPlane(in vec3 v, in vec3 n)
  return v - dot(n,v)*n;

void main(void)
  gl_Position = ftransform();

  /* Transform the normal. */
  Normal = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix*gl_Normal);

  /* Fabricate a scratch direction. */
  vec3 rotationalDirection = cross(, ScratchAxis);
  rotationalDirection = gl_NormalMatrix*rotationalDirection;
  Tangent = normalize(projectOnPlane(rotationalDirection, Normal));

  /* Pass lighting and coloring parameters. */
  gl_FrontColor = gl_Color;
  gl_BackColor = gl_Color;
  gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0;


  <Shader scope="Fragment"
    <LightUniform name="NumLights" value="NumberOfLights"/>
/* This is the fragment program for a simple anisotropic shader.  The lighting
 * model is taken from "Efficient Rendering of Anisotropic Surfaces Using
 * Computer Graphics" by Heidrich and Seidel (who get their shading from
 * "Illumination in Diverse Codimensions" by Banks who in derived his model from
 * "Rendering Fur With Three Dimensional Textures" by Kajiya and Kay.
 * This anisotropic lighting model simulates the effect of a material with
 * microscopic fibers, scratches, or grooves that are aligned in a particular
 * direction.  That direction must be known in advanced.  Since we usually don't
 * have a direction in mind, we just fabricate one here.  We do this by taking
 * the cross product of the object coordinate with a given vector and projecting
 * that onto the tangent plane.  This creates fibers that rotate about the
 * vector.  It is a nice effect for most objects, but creates singularities
 * along the vector (where the rotation is of radius 0) and where the surface
 * normal happens to be perpendicular to both the object coordinate vector and
 * the given vector (which can happen everywhere on the plane containing both
 * the given vector and the origin).

 * Copyright 2006 Sandia Corporation.
 * Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000, there is a non-exclusive
 * license for use of this work by or on behalf of the
 * U.S. Government. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with
 * or without modification, are permitted provided that this Notice and any
 * statement of authorship are reproduced on all copies.

varying vec3 Normal;
varying vec3 Tangent;

uniform int NumLights;

/* Compute the contribution from a particular light source. */
void DirectionalLight(in int lightIndex,
                      in vec3 normal,
                      in vec3 tangent,
                      inout vec4 ambient,
                      inout vec4 diffuse,
                      inout vec4 specular)
  vec3 light = normalize(vec3(gl_LightSource[lightIndex].position));

  /**** Compute ambient term. ****/
  ambient += gl_LightSource[lightIndex].ambient;

  /**** Compute a "corrective" term for object shelf shadowing. ****/
  float cosNL = dot(normal, light);
  float shadow = max(0.0, cosNL);

  /**** Compute diffuse term. ****/
  float cosLT = dot(tangent, light);
  /* This is the cosine of the angle between the light vector and the plane
     perpendicular to the tangent vector. */
  float cosLNp = sqrt(1.0 - cosLT*cosLT);
  diffuse += gl_LightSource[lightIndex].diffuse * shadow*cosLNp;

  /**** Compute specular term. ****/
  float cosVT = dot(vec3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0), tangent);
  float cosVNp = sqrt(1.0 - cosVT*cosVT);
  float cosVR = cosLNp*cosVNp - cosLT*cosVT; /* cos view, reflection. */
  cosVR = max(cosVR, 0.0);
  specular += (  gl_LightSource[lightIndex].specular
               * shadow * pow(cosVR, gl_FrontMaterial.shininess) );

void AllLights(in vec3 normal,
               in vec3 tangent,
               inout vec4 ambient,
               inout vec4 diffuse,
               inout vec4 specular)
  DirectionalLight(0, normal, tangent, ambient, diffuse, specular);
  if (NumLights > 1)
    DirectionalLight(1, normal, tangent, ambient, diffuse, specular);
    if (NumLights > 2)
      DirectionalLight(2, normal, tangent, ambient, diffuse, specular);
      if (NumLights > 3)
        DirectionalLight(3, normal, tangent, ambient, diffuse, specular);
        if (NumLights > 4)
          DirectionalLight(4, normal, tangent, ambient, diffuse, specular);

void main(void)
  /* If lighting the back of a polygon, flip normal.*/
  vec3 normal = normalize(Normal);
  vec3 tangent = normalize(Tangent);

  /* Compute light contributions. */
  vec4 ambient = vec4(0.0);
  vec4 diffuse = vec4(0.0);
  vec4 specular = vec4(0.0);
  AllLights(normal, tangent, ambient, diffuse, specular);

  gl_FragColor = (  ambient*gl_FrontMaterial.ambient
                  + diffuse*gl_FrontMaterial.diffuse
                  + specular*gl_FrontMaterial.specular);


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