Minutes 072007
From KitwarePublic
- Jim Miller
- Ken Williams
- Hans Johnson
- Nick Tuiston
- Alex Gouaillard
- Luis Ibanez
- Approved CVS write access to Rogue Research developers
- ImageIOSteaming
- Kent, Hans: gave an update on the Nifti library changes related to ImageIO Streaming.
- How to define the API of a streamable writer?.
- How to manage compression?.
- Dialog between ImageFileWriter and ImageIO class for passing a SplitterImageRegion.
- Put back the CanStream() method in the ImageIO, and just not call it from the ImageFileReader to keep backward compatibility
- Rename CalculateStreamableReadRegionFromRequestedRegion() as GenerateStreamableReadRegionFromRequestedRegion()
- itkQuadMesh Status
- Alex gave an update on the status of the itkQuadMesh
- We agreed on moving a second batch of classes into the Review directory.
- Alex will use the itkVTKPolyDataReader class in the Code/Review directory for reading VTK surfaces to be used as input in the tests.
- Jim pointed out some naming conventions to follow.
- Image Registration Optimization
- Jim suggested considering an API in the Transform where the working memory for the Jacobian is passes to the Transform.
- Hans suggested to have the Transform create its own working memory, so that the Metrics don't need to know about the internal structure of the Transform.
- Jim suggested to create an API where the Transform use the Jacobian directly to compute the matrix product with the Image gradient.
Action Items
- Move the ImageIOStreaming into ITK.
- Adapt ImageSerieReader.