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VTK/KWWidgets Coding Style

    This section is a personnal and unofficial compilation of some of the coding style convention used in VTK/KWWidgets. It it based on the contents of e-mails exchanged with Sebastien Barre, the KWWidgets conceptor and main developer.

    You can find a more official source in chapter 9, Contributing Code, of the VTK User's Guide book.

    That being said here is the list:

Avoid using abbreviated words, as it is hard to read or pronounce.
For example: writte vtkKWMyLocalVariableNamedAlpha instead of vtkKWMyLclVrBlNmdAlph.
Abbreviations can be used, but it should be entirely in capital letters, for example vtkLODActor, where LOD means 'Level Of Detail'.

Local variables
Their name MUST begin with a lowercase letter.
To separate words either use an underscore, or capitalize the first letter of each new word. For example: my_local_variable_alpha or myLocalVariableAlpha.
Barre *honours* best the first approach in KWWidgets.
Note: In VTK only pre-processor variables, written ALL in capital letters, use the underscore to separate words.

The class pointer 'this'
ALWAYS explicit the 'this' pointer for EVERY occurrence of a class member variable and/or method.
For example: this->vtkKWMyClassMemberVar or this->vtkKWMyClassSomeMethod().

Lines' length
Watch for the length of your lines. As a pointer don not go beyond 78 characters per line.

When using the C/C++ single-line comment style, place at least ONE space after the two slashes.
For example:
// The word comment commes from the late
// Latin word 'commentum', meaning interpretation
// ....

Avoid placing your comments at the end of the lines of a statement. Place them above the line in question.
For example instead of:
this->vtkKWMyClassVar->vtkKWMyClassMethodAlpha(); // this statement calls the vtkKWMyClassMethodAlpha
Write it like this:
// this statement calls the vtkKWMyClassMethodAlpha

Comments at the end of statements' lines are not much used in VTK/KWWidgets

Methods/Functions Delimitation
Delimit the begining of each class method by placing a separator before each implementation. This helps readability of the code.
For example:
void vtkKWMyClass::vtkKWMyClassMyMethodAlpha()
std::cerr << "The 'vtkKWMyClassMyMethodAlpha()' method is being executed." << std::endl;
void vtkKWMyClass::vtkKWMyClassMyMethodBetha()
std::cerr << "The 'vtkKWMyClassMyMethodBetha()' method is being executed." << std::endl;
Use '//----' as your separator, since it is the one already used in KWWidgets.

Copyright notice
Use the following copyright notice on top of each .h and .cxx file. This is just the base *template* copyright notice.It might (or not) get modified depending on the project under development. Note: Replace vtkKWClass with the actual name of the implemented class.


Module: $RCSfile: vtkKWClass.h,v $

Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or for details.

This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.


File extension
Your C++ source files should have the '.cxx' extension, and your header files the '.h' extension. This is not a must, but more of an 'implicit' convention used throughout the KWWidgets files written so far.

The 'Delete' method
Avoid reimplementing the 'Delete()' class method. Everything related to destruction should be taken care of inside the class destructor.

The TCL/TK interpreter
Initialization of an TCL/TK interpreter MUST to be done BEFORE any vtkKWApplication instance variable is allocated. This inialization is done by calling the vtkKWApplication::InitializeTcl static method.

Forward declaration
In your header files, do not include the headers of the classes you are using as member. Instead of that you should forward-declare them. This technique allows faster compilations, because only the super-class header file is included. It also reduces a lot the set of dependencies, meaning that the depencencies check are much faster, and if you modify any of those other header files, less files will get recompiled.
For example use:
#include <vtkKWApplication.h>
class vtkKWWindow;
class vtkKWSplashScreen;
class vtkKWYourExistingBethaClass;
class vtkKWYourExistingPhiClass;

class vtkKWYourAlphaClass : public vtkKWApplication
vtkKWWindow* MainWindow;
vtkKWSplashScreen* SplashScreen;
vtkKWYourExistingBethaClass* Beta;
vtkKWYourExistingPhiClass* Phi;
Instead of the "classic":
#include <vtkKWApplication.h>
#include <vtkKWWindow>
#include <vtkKWSplashScreen>
#include "vtkKWYourExistingBethaClass.h"
#include "vtkKWYourExistingPhiClass.h"

class vtkKWYourAlphaClass : public vtkKWApplication
vtkKWWindow* MainWindow;
vtkKWSplashScreen* SplashScreen;
vtkKWYourExistingBethaClass* Beta;
vtkKWYourExistingPhiClass* Phi;

The New-Delete 'compensation'
For EVERY instace variable created using the New() method, you MUST use its counter-part Delete() method. This is necessary to balance the reference count of objects. Objects are ONLY deleted from memory, the moment their reference count equals zero. So this 'compensation' avoids memory leaks.

The 'bool'-ean type
Do not use 'bool' in the header files, as it can not be wrapped properly. This is IMPORTANT. Use 'int' instead.
For example use:
int isMyPropertySet(); // Returns 1 if my property is set, else it returns 0
Instead of:
bool isMyPropertySet(); // Returns true if my property is set, else it returns false
You can use 'bool' in your .cxx files, if you need to, especially if you use the STL for your datastructure --STL utilization is strongly recommend by Barre--, but in one should normally use 'int' for standard boolean operations.

The VTK error, debug and warning macros
Take advantage of the 'vtkErrorMacro', 'vtkDebugMacro', 'vtkWarning' macros, defined in the 'vtkSetGet.h' VTK header file, to indicate error, debug and/or warning messages inside your classes.
Besides the advantages of using pre-defined macros, you will benefit from the fact that you can simply turn ALL these message on and off by conviniently calling the 'vtkObject::SetGlobalWarningDisplay()' static method.