Example Name
ITK Classes Demonstrated
Add a constant to every pixel in an image |
AddConstantToImageFilter |
Upsampling an image |
BSplineInterpolateImageFunction ResampleImageFilter |
Interpolate missing pixels in order to upsample an image. Note this only works on scalar images.
Flip an image over specified axes |
FlipImageFilter |
Apply a transformation to the magnitude of vector valued image pixels |
VectorRescaleIntensityImageFilter |
Apply a kernel to every pixel in an image |
NeighborhoodOperatorImageFilter |
Compute the Laplacian of an image |
LaplacianImageFilter |
Input image type must be double or float
Pad an image with a constant value |
ConstantPadImageFilter |
IntensityWindowingImageFilter |
IntensityWindowingImageFilter |
Apply a linear intensity transform from a specified input range to a specified output range.
Shrink an image |
ShrinkImageFilter |
Normalized correlation |
NormalizedCorrelationImageFilter |
Multiply every pixel in an image by a constant |
MultiplyByConstantImageFilter |
Compute the squared difference of corresponding pixels in two images |
SquaredDifferenceImageFilter |
Add a constant to every pixel without duplicating the image in memory (an accessor) |
AddPixelAccessor |
RegionalMaximaImageFilter |
RegionalMaximaImageFilter |
ValuedRegionalMaximaImageFilter |
ValuedRegionalMaximaImageFilter |
Pixel wise compare two input images and set the output pixel to their max |
MaximumImageFilter |
Pixel wise compare two input images and set the output pixel to their min |
MinimumImageFilter |
Binary AND two images |
AndImageFilter |
Binary OR two images |
OrImageFilter |
Binary XOR (exclusive OR) two images |
XorImageFilter |
Invert an image using the Binary Not operation |
BinaryNotImageFilter |
Compose a vector image (with 3 components) from three scalar images |
Compose3DCovariantVectorImageFilter |
Create an RGB image from scalar images. Combine individual channels into a color image.
Extract a component of an itkImage with pixels with multiple components |
NthElementImageAdaptor |
Use built in functionality to extract a component of an itkImage with CovariantVector components. Note this does not work for itkVectorImages - see VectorIndexSelectionCastImageFilter instead.
Present an image by first performing an operation |
ImageAdaptor |
A demonstration of how to present an image pixel as a function of the pixel. In this example the functionality of NthElementImageAdaptor is demonstrated.
Process the nth component/element of a vector image |
NthElementImageAdaptor |
Label binary regions in an image and get their properties |
BinaryImageToShapeLabelMapFilter |
Region bounding box, etc.
Convolve an image with a kernel |
ConvolutionImageFilter |
Assign contiguous labels to connected regions of an image |
RelabelComponentImageFilter |
Crop an image |
CropImageFilter |
Compute the absolute value of an image |
AbsImageFilter |
Invert an image |
InvertIntensityImageFilter |
Apply a mask to an image |
MaskImageFilter |
Pass image pixels through a sigmoid function |
SigmoidImageFilter |
The qualitative description of how Alpha and Beta affect the function from the ITK Software Guide and the associated images would be nice to add to the doxygen.
Threshold an image |
ThresholdImageFilter |
The result is the original image but with the values below (or above) the threshold "clamped" to an output value.
Threshold an image |
BinaryThresholdImageFilter |
The result is a binary image (inside the threshold region or outside the threshold region).
Apply a custom operation to each pixel in an image |
UnaryFunctorImageFilter |
Perform a custom operation on every pixel in an image. This example rotates the vector-valued pixels by 90 degrees.
Apply a predefined operation to corresponding pixels in two images |
BinaryFunctorImageFilter |
Apply a custom operation to corresponding pixels in two images |
BinaryFunctorImageFilter |
This example computes the squared difference between corresponding pixels.
Find the minimum and maximum value (and the position of the value) in an image |
MinimumMaximumImageCalculator |
Add two images together |
AddImageFilter |
Subtract two images |
SubtractImageFilter |
Paste a part of one image into another image |
PasteImageFilter |
Stack multiple 2D images into a 3D image |
TileImageFilter |
Tile multiple images side by side |
TileImageFilter |
Multiply two images together |
MultiplyImageFilter |
Extract a portion of an image (region of interest) |
RegionOfInterestImageFilter |
Rescale the intensity values of an image to a specified range |
RescaleIntensityImageFilter |
Label connected components in a binary image |
ConnectedComponentImageFilter |
Normalize an image |
NormalizeImageFilter |
Cast an image from one type to another |
CastImageFilter |
Switch the axes of an image |
PermuteAxesImageFilter |
Linearly interpolate a position in an image |
LinearInterpolateImageFunction |
HammingWindowFunction |
HammingWindowFunction |