VTK/Wrapping Special Types

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This project began on April 28, 2010 and arose from a desire to improve the ability of the VTK wrappers to handle special VTK types, i.e. types that are not derived from vtkObjectBase. The primary goals are to wrap vtkVariant, and to fix the wrapping of vtkStdString since the current code will sometimes push an invalid "const char *" to the wrapper language.


There are some very useful classes in VTK that are not derived from vtkObjectBase and are therefore not wrapped. Some, like vtkTimeStamp, are trivial classes. Others, like vtkVariant, are more comprehensive. The vtkStdString isn't wrapped, but is coerced to "const char *" by the wrappers in a manner that can leave dangling references to temporary objects.

State of the code

The wrapper generator code is a mess of hexidecimal literals, static variables, and badly-named functions. It should be updated to VTK code standards, in both the front-end and the back-end. This process has been started by the addition of vtkParseType.h, which defines useful macros for use by the wrapper code.

The vtkStdString issue

When vtkStdString was introduced to VTK, support for it was added to the wrappers in the following manner:

If a VTK method returned a vtkStdString or vtkStdString&, it would be stored in a "const char *" variable. Because type conversion from "string" to "char *" is automatic, this required minimal changes to the wrappers. Code that originally handled "const char *" would now handle strings, as well.

This scheme works fine for methods that return "vtkStdString&" because the string is stored somewhere and is guaranteed to be around at least until the contents of the "char *" are copied or otherwise used by the wrapper language. However, methods returning "vtkStdString" are problematic, because they create a temporary vtkStdString object which the wrappers then get a "char *" from. As soon as the "char *" is acquired, the compiler is free to throw the temporary away, even before the wrappers have a chance to utilize the "char *".

The fix should be straightforward. When a method returns a vtkStdString, the wrappers should store it in a vtkStdString variable that remains valid until the wrappers have copied the contents. The only complication is that the vtkParse front end must define a new type constant for vtkStdString.


30 April 2010

For python, vtkVariant and vtkTimeStamp are both automatically wrapped. There is an issue with constructors for vtkVariant that still needs to be fixed. The wrapper code tries out the various constructor signatures in order until one is able to use the constructor arguments. Because the "char" constructor is tried first, any attempt to make a "double" or "int" variant results in the creation of a "char" variant instead. Creating a variant from a string or a vtkObject works fine, though. Storing variants in a vtkVariantArray also works.

A problem was found with the parser: the leading "~" of the destructor signature is thrown away by the parser, so the destructor isn't distinguishable from a constructor.