Kitware Scene Graph Meeting April 6, 2010 KHQ
Kitware Scene Graph Meeting April 6, 2010 KHQ
1. Presentation by Michel of slides briefly describing JHU and existing Kitware requirements for KWScene. [1]
2. Description by Julien Finet at KRS of requirements for ParaView for transforms, which led to a description by Luis of transforms in KWScene. The possibility of reusing the IGSTK spatial relationships model, where every object is connected to a parent was evoked. IGSTK uses rigid transforms, which could be expanded here. He presented two potentially conflictint use-cases, namely a large collection of small objects, such as the Computer Vision group's requirement, or a small collection of large objects, as is the case for JHU.
3. Amitha presented a Computer Vision group usecase in more detail, which would involve a reprojection on a 3D space onto where an image came from on the ground. Also a possibility of affixing avatars to 3D space. A rapid refresh rate, 30 Hz, would be needed.