Dear VTK User
I am a vtk user and unfortunetly relatively new to it, I have search the archives and your post “How to write multiple vtkPolyData into on single XML file” is the closest I’ve come to what I’m trying to do. I have created two series of vtkPoints and saved them out in the polydata format with vtkPolyDataWriter, once I have saved them I try to bring them both into a new program and merge them together using vtkAppendPolyData. Whenever I try to merge two files or even a file and some already existing PolyData it won’t render them out.
I have provided my code below:
package require vtk
package require vtkinteraction
vtkRenderer ren1
vtkRenderWindow renWin
renWin AddRenderer ren1
vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren
iren SetRenderWindow renWin
ren1 SetBackground 1.8 1.8 1.8
renWin SetSize 720 720
- Inport two PolyData Files.
vtkPolyDataReader reader1
reader1 SetFileName "d:/education/spencer/simulation/servers.txt"
vtkPolyDataReader reader2
reader2 SetFileName "d:/education/spencer/simulation/points.txt"
- Appended into a single polydata.
vtkAppendPolyData apd
apd AddInput [reader1 GetOutput] apd AddInput [reader2 GetOutput]
vtkSphereSource node
node SetRadius 1.25 node SetPhiResolution 18 node SetThetaResolution 18
- create a glyph using 'balls' as the object and 'inputData' for location with 3D space
vtkGlyph3D glyphPointsServers
glyphPointsServers SetInputConnection [apd GetOutputPort] glyphPointsServers SetSource [node GetOutput]
- Assign simple mapper to glyph
vtkPolyDataMapper glyphMapperServers
glyphMapperServers SetInput [glyphPointsServers GetOutput]
- create actor of gylph to enable rendering of points
vtkActor glyphServers
glyphServers SetMapper glyphMapperServers [glyphServers GetProperty] SetColor 255 0 0 [glyphServers GetProperty] SetSpecular .3 [glyphServers GetProperty] SetSpecularPower 10 ren1 AddActor glyphServers
renWin Render
Thankyou for any help you can provide,