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VTK/KWWidgets Coding Style
This section is a personnal and unofficial compilation of some of the coding style convention used in VTK/KWWidgets. It it based on the contents of e-mails exchanged with Sebastien Barre, the KWWidgets conceptor and main developer.
You can find a more official source in chapter 9, Contributing Code, of the VTK User's Guide book.
That being said here is the list:
- Abbreviations
- Avoid using abbreviated words, as it is hard to read or pronounce.
- For example: writte vtkKWMyLocalVariableNamedAlpha instead of vtkKWMyLclVrBlNmdAlph.
- Abbreviations can be used, but it should be entirely in capital letters, for example vtkLODActor, where LOD means 'Level Of Detail'.
- Local variables
- Their name MUST begin with a lowercase letter.
- To separate words either use an underscore, or capitalize the first letter of each new word. For example: my_local_variable_alpha or myLocalVariableAlpha.
- Barre *honours* best the first approach in KWWidgets.
- Note: In VTK only pre-processor variables, written ALL in capital letters, use the underscore to separate words.
- The class pointer 'this'
- ALWAYS explicit the 'this' pointer for EVERY occurrence of a class member variable and/or method.
- For example: this->vtkKWMyClassMemberVar or this->vtkKWMyClassSomeMethod().
- Comments
- When using the C/C++ single-line comment style, place a space after the two slashes.
- For example:
- // The word comment commes from the late
- // Latin word 'commentum', meaning interpretation
- // ....
- Methods/Functions Delimitation
- Delimit the begining of each class method by placing a separator before each implementation. This helps readability of the code.
- For example:
- //--------------------------------------------
- void vtkKWMyClass::vtkKWMyClassMyMethodAlpha()
- {
- std::cerr << "The 'vtkKWMyClassMyMethodAlpha()' method is being executed." << std::endl;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------
- void vtkKWMyClass::vtkKWMyClassMyMethodBetha()
- {
- std::cerr << "The 'vtkKWMyClassMyMethodBetha()' method is being executed." << std::endl;
- }
- Use '//----' as your separator, since it is the one already used in KWWidgets.
- Copyright notice
- Use the following copyright notice on top of each .h and .cxx file. This is just the base *template* copyright notice.It might (or not) get modified depending on the project under development. Note: Replace vtkKWClass with the actual name of the implemented class.
- Use the following copyright notice on top of each .h and .cxx file. This is just the base *template* copyright notice.It might (or not) get modified depending on the project under development. Note: Replace vtkKWClass with the actual name of the implemented class.
- /*=========================================================================
- Module: $RCSfile: vtkKWClass.h,v $
- Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
- All rights reserved.
- See Copyright.txt or for details.
- This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
- PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
- =========================================================================*/
- File extension
- Your C++ source files should have the '.cxx' extension, and your header files the '.h' extension. This is not a must, but more of an 'implicit' convention used throughout the KWWidgets files written so far.
- Your C++ source files should have the '.cxx' extension, and your header files the '.h' extension. This is not a must, but more of an 'implicit' convention used throughout the KWWidgets files written so far.
- The 'Delete' method
- Avoid reimplementing the 'Delete()' class method. Everything related to destruction should be taken care of inside the class destructor.
- Avoid reimplementing the 'Delete()' class method. Everything related to destruction should be taken care of inside the class destructor.
- The TCL/TK interpreter
- Initialization of an TCL/TK interpreter MUST to be done BEFORE any vtkKWApplication instance variable is allocated. This inialization is done by calling the vtkKWApplication::InitializeTcl static method.
- Initialization of an TCL/TK interpreter MUST to be done BEFORE any vtkKWApplication instance variable is allocated. This inialization is done by calling the vtkKWApplication::InitializeTcl static method.
- Forward declaration
- In your header files, do not include the headers of the classes you are using as member. Instead of that you should forward-declare them. This technique allows faster compilations, because only the super-class header file is included. It also reduces a lot the set of dependencies, meaning that the depencencies check are much faster, and if you modify any of those other header files, less files will get recompiled.
- For example use:
- #include <vtkKWApplication.h>
- class vtkKWWindow;
- class vtkKWSplashScreen;
- class vtkKWYourExistingBethaClass;
- class vtkKWYourExistingPhiClass;
- class vtkKWYourAlphaClass : public vtkKWApplication
- {
- protected:
- vtkKWWindow* MainWindow;
- vtkKWSplashScreen* SplashScreen;
- vtkKWYourExistingBethaClass* Beta;
- vtkKWYourExistingPhiClass* Phi;
- Instead of the "classic":
- #include <vtkKWApplication.h>
- #include <vtkKWWindow>
- #include <vtkKWSplashScreen>
- #include "vtkKWYourExistingBethaClass.h"
- #include "vtkKWYourExistingPhiClass.h"
- class vtkKWYourAlphaClass : public vtkKWApplication
- {
- protected:
- vtkKWWindow* MainWindow;
- vtkKWSplashScreen* SplashScreen;
- vtkKWYourExistingBethaClass* Beta;
- vtkKWYourExistingPhiClass* Phi;