From KitwarePublic
Current Progress on Connectome
Image Acquisition Toolkit
- Acquisition
- Alignment
- Stitching
- Overlatpping stacks
- separate sections
Image Storage and Analysis Powerhouse
Reference: IMViewer
- For pathology
- For connectome
- Annotaions
Future Proposals
Acquisition Toolkit
- Development as an enhancement to | Micro Manager
- Present the complete acquisition, stitch / merge, store, manage, process pipeline
Light Microscopy
- Future of acquisition toolkit
- Image database
- Future of Open SSECRET like viewer for navigation
- A toolkit specialized at brainbow like imagery
- Especially contrasting the tools developed for EM
- Advantages of light over
- EM more high res - synaptic patterns
- Fluorensence
- Development of new automated algorithms
- Toolkit for enriching domain specific knowledge