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Revision as of 14:06, 3 January 2011 by Daviddoria (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==ImportImageFilter.cxx== <source lang="cpp"> #include "itkImage.h" #include "itkImportImageFilter.h" #include "itkImageFileWriter.h" int main(int, char * []) { typedef unsig...")
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<source lang="cpp">

  1. include "itkImage.h"
  2. include "itkImportImageFilter.h"
  1. include "itkImageFileWriter.h"

int main(int, char * []) {

 typedef unsigned char   PixelType;
 const unsigned int Dimension = 3;
 typedef itk::Image< PixelType, Dimension > ImageType;
 typedef itk::ImportImageFilter< PixelType, Dimension >   ImportFilterType;
 ImportFilterType::Pointer importFilter = ImportFilterType::New();
 ImportFilterType::SizeType  size;
 size[0]  = 200;  // size along X
 size[1]  = 200;  // size along Y
 size[2]  = 200;  // size along Z
 ImportFilterType::IndexType start;
 start.Fill( 0 );
 ImportFilterType::RegionType region;
 region.SetIndex( start );
 region.SetSize(  size  );
 importFilter->SetRegion( region );
 double origin[ Dimension ];
 origin[0] = 0.0;    // X coordinate
 origin[1] = 0.0;    // Y coordinate
 origin[2] = 0.0;    // Z coordinate
 importFilter->SetOrigin( origin );
 double spacing[ Dimension ];
 spacing[0] = 1.0;    // along X direction
 spacing[1] = 1.0;    // along Y direction
 spacing[2] = 1.0;    // along Z direction
 importFilter->SetSpacing( spacing );
 const unsigned int numberOfPixels =  size[0] * size[1] * size[2];
 PixelType * localBuffer = new PixelType[ numberOfPixels ];
 const double radius = 80.0;
 const double radius2 = radius * radius;
 PixelType * it = localBuffer;
 for(unsigned int z=0; z < size[2]; z++)
   const double dz = static_cast<double>( z ) - static_cast<double>(size[2])/2.0;
   for(unsigned int y=0; y < size[1]; y++)
     const double dy = static_cast<double>( y ) - static_cast<double>(size[1])/2.0;
     for(unsigned int x=0; x < size[0]; x++)
       const double dx = static_cast<double>( x ) - static_cast<double>(size[0])/2.0;
       const double d2 = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
       *it++ = ( d2 < radius2 ) ? 255 : 0;
 const bool importImageFilterWillOwnTheBuffer = true;
 importFilter->SetImportPointer( localBuffer, numberOfPixels,
                                 importImageFilterWillOwnTheBuffer );
 typedef itk::ImageFileWriter< ImageType > WriterType;
 WriterType::Pointer writer = WriterType::New();
 writer->SetInput(  importFilter->GetOutput()  );




<source lang="cmake"> cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)



ADD_EXECUTABLE(ImportImageFilter ImportImageFilter.cxx) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(ImportImageFilter ITKCommon ITKIO)
