Example CMake Dashboard file
<source lang="text"> cvs -d :pserver:anonymous:vtk@public.kitware.com:/cvsroot/VTK co VTK cvs -d :pserver:anonymous:vtk@public.kitware.com:/cvsroot/VTKData co VTKData </source>
The source code is now in /home/username/Dashboards/VTK/VTK and the testing data sets are in /home/username/Dashboards/VTK/VTKData
Create a file called dashboard.cmake, the contents of which should be similar to this example: <source lang="text"> cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6.3)
set(CTEST_DASHBOARD_ROOT "/home/username/Dashboards/VTK") set(CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY "${CTEST_DASHBOARD_ROOT}/VTK") #expands to /home/username/Dashboards/VTK/VTK
set(CTEST_SITE "your_name.your_organization") # this can be whatever you like set(CTEST_BUILD_NAME "Linux-gcc-4.4.0") # this should be a description of your system - e.g. operating system, compiler version
set(CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY "${CTEST_DASHBOARD_ROOT}/bin") #expands to /home/username/Dashboards/VTK/bin
set(CTEST_DATA_DIRECTORY "${CTEST_DASHBOARD_ROOT}/VTKData") #expands to /home/username/Dashboards/VTK/VTKData
- do not change these
set(CTEST_BUILD_CONFIGURATION Debug) set(CTEST_TEST_TIMEOUT 360) set(CTEST_COVERAGE_COMMAND "/usr/bin/gcov") # REQUIRED with new ctest script style.
- this should be changed to match your system
set(CTEST_CMAKE_GENERATOR "Unix Makefiles") #this example is for linux, maybe someone can provide a similar file for windows? set(CTEST_BUILD_COMMAND "make")
find_program(CTEST_CVS_COMMAND NAMES cvs) #tell cmake to use cvs to update set(CTEST_UPDATE_COMMAND "cvs") set(CTEST_UPDATE_OPTIONS "-dAP")
ctest_empty_binary_directory(${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}) #start fresh each time the dashboard build tests are performed
ctest_start(Experimental) # I think you can change this to "Nightly"?
- updates
ctest_update(SOURCE "${CTEST_DATA_DIRECTORY}") #update (using cvs) the data sets before testing ctest_update(SOURCE "$${CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY}") #update (using cvs) the source code before building
- setup and build
ctest_configure(BUILD "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}") ctest_read_custom_files("${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}") ctest_build(BUILD "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}")
- run tests
- not sure what this is?
- submit the results to the dashboard
ctest_submit() </source>