ITK/Policy and Procedure for Adding Dashboards

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The nightly and continuous build/test of ITK is essential to its survival. The ITK Dashboard presents dashboard submissions from the ITK community. The dashboards represent unique configurations of hardware platforms, operating systems, compilers, compiler options and ITK options.


Each dashboard shall present a unique combination of hardware/compiler/OS, optional features and compiler options. The dashboard submitter will monitor the itk dashboard on a routine basis to make sure that the dashboard is reporting as a nightly or continuous build.


The recommended method for dashboard submission is using ctest scripts.

Preparing a Dashboard Submission

  1. Using a cmake GUI (cmakesetup or ccmake), configure the build with the desired options.
  2. Perform a manual build.
  3. Run the tests.
  4. As of ITK 3.6, the configure process creates a file ${ITK_BINARY_DIR}/CMake/itkSampleBuildTest.cmake that contains ctest commands to build, test and submit a configuration that is the same as your configured build.
  5. Copy the itkSampleBuildTest.cmake file to another directory and rename it.
  6. Edit this file to select the type of submission to Nightly or Continuous
  7. Select the build type, either Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo or MinSizeRel
  8. By default, the script will
    1. For nightly submissions, start with an empty binary directory. If your platform takes an unreasonable time to build from a clean directory, you can change CTEST_START_WITH_EMPTY_DIRECTORY to FALSE.
    2. For continuous submissions, start with an empty binary directory the first time it runs each day. Here again, if your platform takes a long time to build from a clean binary directory, you can change CTEST_START_WITH_EMPTY_DIRECTORY_ONCE to FALSE.

Scheduling a Dashboard Submission

OS Compiler Debug/Release Static/Shared 32/64 bit Wrapping