CMake:Bundles And Frameworks
On Mac there are several different cases of combinations of bundles, frameworks, and unix tools.
The problem is that CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is not enough. Also, when creating bundles and frameworks, auxilary files should be in the proper subdirectory structure.
- In all examples, the applications are named appl1, appl2, ...
- libraries are named libr1, libr2, ...
- header files are named appl1_header1, appl2_header2, libr1_header1, ...
- there are auxilary files associated with application and library appl1_aux1, appl2_aux2, libr1_aux1, ...
- and some resource files associated with application and library appl1_res1, appl2_res2, libr1_res1, ...
- All versions are ver1, ver2, ...
- All libraries have lib in their name, while frameworks do not. To differentiate, all frameworks will have names FRlibr1, FRlibr2, ...
Unix tools only
- No issues (just like any other unix)
Bundle only
- Everything in a same directory:
/Applications/ Contents/ Info.plist MacOS/ appl1 -> appl1-1 appl1-1 appl1_aux1 appl1_aux2 Resources/ appl1_res1 appl1_res2
- Suggested api:
ADD_EXECUTABLE( appl1 MACOSX_BUNDLE appl1_src1.cxx appl1_src2.cxx ... MACOSX_BUNDLE_CONTENT apple1_aux1 apple1_aux2 apple1_res1 apple1_res2 ) SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES( apple1_aux1 apple1_aux2 PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_LOCATION MacOSX ) SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES( apple1_res1 apple1_res2 PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_LOCATION Resources )
Comment: (submitted by david.cole) I like the suggested api. One thing to keep in mind, however, is that some of the file system entities Mac programmers perceive as files are actually bundles themselves... For example, the resource files produced by Interface Builder (the *.nib "files") are actually bundles/directories themselves. As a Mac programmer, I think of the *.nib "file" as just another source file... In reality it's a directory with contents, which is supposed to be recursively copied into the correct location of the target bundle at build time. I would expect to be able to add either a file or a directory as a MACOSX_BUNDLE_CONTENT element in the ADD_EXECUTABLE/ADD_LIBRARY commands. If it's a file it gets copied into the target bundle at the specified location. If it's a directory, same thing, but recursively. This is mandatory in my opinion because Apple could decide to add, remove or completely reorganize elements within the *.nib file format with their next version of Xcode. I definitely don't want to mirror the hierarchical structure of a *.nib file in my CMakeLists.txt files. I also definitely don't want to be forced into using FILE(GLOB_RECURSE ...) in order to do things on a file by file basis. As a Mac programmer, I don't necessarily know whether one of these things is a file or directory - I can't tell CMake what I don't know, so CMake should definitely be able to handle either. CMake needs to support copying directories verbatim as bundle elements to make this feature worthwhile.
Maybe this concept could be generalized to "any file/directory that needs to be copied from source or binary tree into a location relative to the build exe/dll/lib" on any platform. Perhaps naming the features AUXILIARY_CONTENT_FILE and AUXILIARY_CONTENT_LOCATION would be more useful. I could see wanting to have different configuration files copied to where the exe is as part of the build step on Windows or Linux also. It's sort of an easier way of guaranteeing that a file is part of the build tree. Rather than explicit CONFIGURE_FILE or cmake -E copy/copy_directory commands, you could just add a source file as an AUXILIARY_CONTENT_FILE and cmake would make sure it gets copied/configured at build time.
Framework only
- Everything in a same directory:
/Library/ Frameworks/ FRlibr1.framework/ FRlibr1 -> Versions/Current/FRlibr1 Resources -> Versions/Current/Resources Libraries -> Versions/Current/Libraries Headers -> Versions/Current/Headers Versions/ Current -> ver2 ver2/ FRlibr1 Resources/ Info.plist version.plist Libraries/ libr2.dylib libr3.dylib Headers/ FRlibr1_header1.h FRlibr1_header2.h FRlibr1_header3.h
- Suggested api:
ADD_LIBRARY( FRlibr1 SHARED MACOSX_FRAMEWORK appl1_src1.cxx appl1_src2.cxx FRlibr1_header4.h FRlibr1_header5.h FRlibr1_header6.h ... MACOSX_FRAMEWORK_HEADERS FRlibr1_header1.h FRlibr1_header2.h FRlibr1_header3.h ) TARGET_LINL_LIBRARIES( FRlibr1 libr2 libr3)
Bundle + Framework
- Bundle stuff in one directory, framework stuff in another one
/Applications/ Contents/ Info.plist MacOS/ appl1 -> appl1-ver1 appl1-ver2 appl1_aux1 appl1_aux2 Resources/ appl1_res1 appl1_res2 /Library/ Frameworks/ FRlibr1.framework/ FRlibr1 -> Versions/Current/FRlibr1 Resources -> Versions/Current/Resources Libraries -> Versions/Current/Libraries Headers -> Versions/Current/Headers Versions/ Current -> ver2 ver2/ FRlibr1 Resources/ Info.plist Version.plist Libraries/ libr2.dylib libr3.dylib Headers/ FRlibr1_header1.h FRlibr1_header2.h FRlibr1_header3.h
Bundle + Unix tools
- Bundle stuff in one directory, unix tools in typical unix location
/Applications/ Contents/ Info.plist MacOS/ appl1 -> appl1-ver1 appl1-ver2 appl1_aux1 appl1_aux2 Resources/ appl1_res1 appl1_res2 /usr/ bin/ appl2 share/ appl2-version/ appl2_aux1 appl2_aux2
Framework + Unix tools
- Framework stuff in one directory, unix tools in typical unix location
/Library/ Frameworks/ FRlibr1.framework/ FRlibr1 -> Versions/Current/FRlibr1 Resources -> Versions/Current/Resources Libraries -> Versions/Current/Libraries Headers -> Versions/Current/Headers Commands -> Versions/Current/Commands Versions/ Current -> ver2 ver2/ FRlibr1 Resources/ Info.plist version.plist Libraries/ libr2.dylib libr3.dylib Headers/ FRlibr1_header1.h FRlibr1_header2.h FRlibr1_header3.h Commands/ appl2 bin/ appl3 /usr/ bin/ appl1 appl2 -> /Library/Frameworks/FRlibr1.framework/Commands/appl2 appl3 -> /Library/Frameworks/FRlibr1.framework/Version/ver1/bin/appl3 share/ appl1-version/ appl1_aux1 appl1_aux2
Bundle + Framework + Unix tools
- Framework stuff in one directory, unix tools in typical unix location
/Applications/ Contents/ Info.plist MacOS/ appl1 -> appl1-ver1 appl1-ver2 appl1_aux1 appl1_aux2 Resources/ appl1_res1 appl1_res2 /Library/ Frameworks/ FRlibr1.framework/ FRlibr1 -> Versions/Current/FRlibr1 Resources -> Versions/Current/Resources Libraries -> Versions/Current/Libraries Headers -> Versions/Current/Headers Commands -> Versions/Current/Commands Versions/ Current -> ver2 ver2/ FRlibr1 Resources/ Info.plist version.plist Libraries/ libr2.dylib libr3.dylib Headers/ FRlibr1_header1.h FRlibr1_header2.h FRlibr1_header3.h Commands/ appl2 bin/ appl3 /usr/ bin/ appl1 appl2 -> /Library/Frameworks/FRlibr1.framework/Commands/appl2 appl3 -> /Library/Frameworks/FRlibr1.framework/Version/ver1/bin/appl3 share/ appl1-version/ appl1_aux1 appl1_aux2
Linking Issues
Link a Framework
/usr/ lib/ libr3.dylib /Library/ Frameworks/ FRlibr1.framework/ FRlibr1 -> Versions/Current/FRlibr1 Resources -> Versions/Current/Resources Libraries -> Versions/Current/Libraries Headers -> Versions/Current/Headers Versions/ Current -> ver2 ver2/ FRlibr1 Resources/ Libraries/ libr2.dylib Headers/
Regular library is linked like this:
libtool -dynamic libr3_src1.o libr3_src2.o -o libr3.dylib
Framework is linked like this:
mkdir -p FRlibr1.framework/Versions/ver2 gcc -dynamiclib -o FRlibr1.framework/Versions/ver2/FRlibr1 FRlibr1_src1.o FRlibr1_src2.o cd ./FRlibr1.framework/Versions && ln -sf ver2 Current cd ./FRlibr1.framework && ln -sf Versions/Current/FRlibr1 FRlibr1
You link libr2.dylib like this:
libtool -dynamic libr1_src1.o libr1_src2.o -o FRlibr1.framework/Versions/ver2/Libraries/libr2.dylib
- Looks like the difference between linking framework and linking shared library is:
- Framework:
gcc -dynamiclib -o FRlibr1.framework/Versions/ver2/FRlibr1 <sources>
- Shard library:
gcc -dynamic -o libr2 <sources>
Private Frameworks
/Applications/ Contents/ Info.plist MacOS/ appl1 -> appl1-1 appl1-1 Resources/ Framework/ libr1-ver1.dylib
You have to run:
install_name_tool \ -id @executable_path/../Frameworks/libr-ver1.dylib \
install_name_tool \ -change libr-ver1.dylib \ @executable_path/../Frameworks/libr-ver1.dylib \
- It seems that the private frameworks can have a dylib extension and lib prefix or not.
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