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<source lang="cpp">
- include "itkVector.h"
- include "itkQuadEdgeMesh.h"
- include "itkVTKPolyDataReader.h"
- include "itkQuadEdgeMeshExtendedTraits.h"
- include "itkQuadEdgeMeshNormalFilter.h"
- include <stdlib.h>
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
if( argc < 2 ) { std::cout <<"This program requires at least 1 argument" <<std::endl; std::cout <<"1- Input filename" <<std::endl; std::cout <<"2- Weight type" <<std::endl; std::cout <<" * 0: GOURAUD" <<std::endl; std::cout <<" * 1: THURMER" <<std::endl; std::cout <<" * 2: AREA" <<std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; }
const unsigned int Dimension = 3; typedef double CoordType;
typedef itk::QuadEdgeMesh< CoordType, Dimension > InputMeshType;
typedef itk::Vector< CoordType, Dimension > VectorType;
typedef itk::QuadEdgeMeshExtendedTraits < VectorType, Dimension, 2, CoordType, CoordType, VectorType, bool, bool > Traits;
typedef itk::QuadEdgeMesh < VectorType, Dimension, Traits > OutputMeshType;
typedef itk::VTKPolyDataReader< InputMeshType > ReaderType; typedef itk::QuadEdgeMeshNormalFilter< InputMeshType, OutputMeshType > NormalFilterType; NormalFilterType::WeightType weight_type;
int param = atoi( argv[2] );
if( ( param < 0 ) || ( param > 2 ) ) { std::cout <<"Weight type must be either: " <<std::endl; std::cout <<" * 0: GOURAUD" <<std::endl; std::cout <<" * 1: THURMER" <<std::endl; std::cout <<" * 2: AREA" <<std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } else { switch( param ) { default: case 0: weight_type = NormalFilterType::GOURAUD; break; case 1: weight_type = NormalFilterType::THURMER; break; case 2: weight_type = NormalFilterType::AREA; break; } }
ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New( ); reader->SetFileName( argv[1] );
try { reader->Update( ); } catch( itk::ExceptionObject & excp ) { std::cerr << "Exception thrown while reading the input file " << std::endl; std::cerr << excp << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; }
InputMeshType::Pointer mesh = reader->GetOutput( );
NormalFilterType::Pointer normals = NormalFilterType::New( ); normals->SetInput( mesh ); normals->SetWeight( weight_type );
try { normals->Update( ); } catch( itk::ExceptionObject & excp ) { std::cerr << excp << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; }
OutputMeshType::Pointer output = normals->GetOutput( );
std::cout << normals << std::endl;
} </source>
<source lang="cmake">