KWWidgets/GUI Testing/Squish/SquishForSlicer3
VERY IMPORTANT: Squish must be built with the same tcl/tk libraries that Slicer3 is using, otherwise, Squish won't launch Slicer3. Also, if you have not read Squish with CMake and KWWidgets, please do so before you try Slicer3 with Squish.
- Invoke the Squish module when configuring/building Slicer3.
NOTE: This is not commited to Slicer3 yet, but can be used as a starting point if you want to experiment Squish with Slicer3.
Modify this file under Slicer3/CMake directory:
- SlicerMacros.cmake: define Slicer3_ADD_Squish_TEST macro
# Slicer3_ADD_Squish_TEST macro(slicer3_add_squish_test test_name squish_AUT_name squish_test_case_path slicerScriptFile ) # Try to find the full path to the test executable include("${KWWidgets_CMAKE_DIR}/KWWidgetsTestingMacros.cmake") kwwidgets_get_full_path_to_executable(${squish_AUT_name} exe_path) KWWidgets_ADD_Squish_TEST( "${test_name}" "${exe_path}" "${squish_test_case_path}" "${slicerENV}" "${slicerPathsScript}" "--test-mode --script ${slicerScriptFile}" ) SET_TESTS_PROPERTIES(${test_name} PROPERTIES FAIL_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "FAILED;ERROR;FATAL") endmacro(slicer3_add_squish_test)
Create Squish test suites
Create a new Squish test suite under Slicer3/Applications/GUI/Testing/Squish with the Squish IDE. Because Squish is currently not recording the file name of an open file dialog, so it normally can not play back the "open-file" properly (We are currently discussing with Squish support on how to address this issue), but as a workaround, we can write a tcl script to load a scene with volume(s) when invoking Slicer3 from Squish. Here is a simple example of the tcl script, LoadSimpleScene.tcl:
update $::slicer3::MRMLScene SetURL $::Slicer3_HOME/share/MRML/Testing/volScene.mrml $::slicer3::MRMLScene Connect update
Now add this LoadSimpleScene.tcl file to Slicer3/Applications/GUI/Testing, and change the Setting of the test suite to use this script (--test-mode --script ../../Slicer3/Applications/GUI/Testing/LoadSimpleScene.tcl), so that Slicer3 will automatically run the script and open the scene when launched from Squish. The "--test-mode" is to set "NoSplash=true" and "RegistryLevel=0".
Add Squish tests to CTest lists
Add the following to the CMakeLists.txt file under Slicer3/Applications/GUI/Testing, and here the LoadSimpleScene.tcl will then be passed to Squish tests as a AUT-start-script,
if(SQUISH_FOUND) include("${Slicer3_CMAKE_DIR}/Slicer3Macros.cmake") file(GLOB SquishTestSuites ${Slicer3_SOURCE_DIR}/Applications/GUI/Testing/Squish/* suite_*) foreach(SquishTestSuite ${SquishTestSuites}) if(IS_DIRECTORY ${SquishTestSuite}) string(REGEX MATCH ".+suite_(.*)" tmp_suite_name ${SquishTestSuite}) set(squish_suite_name ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) file(GLOB SquishTests ${SquishTestSuite}/* tst_*) foreach(SquishTest ${SquishTests}) if(IS_DIRECTORY ${SquishTest}) string(REGEX MATCH ".+(tst_(.*))" tmp_test_name ${SquishTest}) set(squish_test_name "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") set(slicer_squish_test_name "Squish_${squish_suite_name}_${CMAKE_MATCH_2}") message(STATUS "squish_test_name='${squish_test_name}'") message(STATUS "slicer_squish_test_name='${slicer_squish_test_name}'") slicer3_add_squish_test( ${slicer_squish_test_name} "${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}/Slicer3-real" "${SquishTestSuite}/${squish_test_name}" "${Slicer3_SOURCE_DIR}/Applications/GUI/Testing/LoadSimpleScene.tcl") endif(IS_DIRECTORY ${SquishTest}) endforeach(SquishTest) endif(IS_DIRECTORY ${SquishTestSuite}) endforeach(SquishTestSuite) endif(SQUISH_FOUND)
Known Issues
- Screenshot to create baseline images and validate the Squish image-data-processing tests.