Maverick/View Virtual Family Together
Create a scene using the virtual family
First convert two members of the virtual family
VirtualFamilyTxtToMhdCsv Duke_34y_v5_2mm.txt Duke_34y_v5_2mm.raw Duke.mhd Duke.csv VirtualFamilyTxtToMhdCsv Ella_26y_v2_2mm.txt Ella_26y_v2_2mm.raw Ella.mhd Ella.csv
This produces representations in the .mhd format. The current release of Maverick, however, requires the images to be in the .mha format. So, perform the conversion using imageMath
imageMath Duke.mhd -W 3 Duke.mha imageMath Ella.mhd -W 3 Ella.mha
Now Merlin can be used to create a scene containing these labelmaps and indexed via those .csv files. Use the standard labelmap import process of Merlin to achieve this.
Create a new version of the woman that is as tall as the man
To simulate different size people, the virtual woman (Ella) can be registered with the virtual man (Duke). The RegisterImages module accomplishes this
RegisterImages Duke.mha Ella.mha --registration PipelineAffine --interpolation NearestNeighbor --resampledImage TallElla.mha --saveTransform TallElla.tfm
All of the above should be on one line.
Processing time will vary from 5 minutes to 30 minutes, depending on the PC.
The result should be two new files: TallElla.mha and TallElla.tfm
The TallElla.mha file can be imported into Merlin.
The TallElla.tfm file defines an Affine transform consisting of a matrix and an offset. The file should look something like this:
#Insight Transform File V1.0 # Transform 0 Transform: AffineTransform_double_3_3 Parameters: 0.870992 -0.0224575 -0.0878403 0.0659526 0.83837 -0.050303 0.0122104 -0.0274275 0.726458 -46.4034 -4.29241 -148.693 FixedParameters: 264 150 840
View the short and tall ella next to one another in the same volume
First move TellElla 500 mm to the right by editing the file TallElla.mha using vi or another text editor.
vi TallElla.mha
Change line containing the keyword Offset to induce the shift
Offset =