User talk:Andy

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Revision as of 14:59, 30 July 2004 by Andy (talk | contribs) (Random things that need to be put somewhere)
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VIM is a great editor

Ok, so I use VIM. I used to use Emacs, but I guess the starting time was bothering me. Also, for small sysadmin edits I used VIM already and I was mixing key strokes from Emacs and VIM.

My VIM Settings

set nocompatible " We use a vim
set noautoindent 
set tabstop=2       " Tabs are two characters
set shiftwidth=2    " Indents are two charactes too
set expandtab       " Do not use tabs
syntax on           " Turn on syntax hilighting
set hlsearch        " Hilight the search results
set incsearch       " Incrementally search. Like Emacs
set matchpairs+=<:> " Also match <> when pressing %
set showmatch
set laststatus=2
" Minimalistic gui
set guioptions-=T
set guioptions-=m
set guioptions+=f
set guifont=Andale\ Mono\ 8
colorscheme darkblue
" Add spell checking
if exists("loaded_vimspell")
  set spell_auto_type="tex,mail,text,html,sgml,otl"
set wildmode=longest " Make tabcompletion behave correctly
set selection=exclusive "  Only select up to not including last character
set ignorecase " Ignore case when searching lowercase
set smartcase " Ignore case when searching lowercase
set cinoptions={1s,:0,l1,g0,c0,(0,(s,m1 " VTK, ITK style indenting
" Fix for Makefiles do tabs
:autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile [Mm]akefile :set noexpandtab
highlight SpellErrors  guibg=Red guifg=Black

Random things that need to be put somewhere