Line 2,932: |
Line 2,932: |
| Utilities/zlib/zlib.def | | Utilities/zlib/zlib.def |
| ENH: Fix name | | ENH: Fix name |
| </pre>
| |
| |
| == Changes in this Release ==
| |
| <pre>
| |
| |
| CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Updating the MINOR VERSION Number in preparation for release of ITK 2.8.
| |
| ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux. This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
| |
| ENH: Borland compiler flags must now be set to prevent too many warnings. Ths is due to a CMake change in default flags for Borland.
| |
| BUG: No quotes
| |
| ENH: Forcing Concept checking to be always disabled for the Borland compiler.
| |
| ENH: Added explicit instantiation support framework to itkMacro.h. See this header for details and documentation of the support macros. Added option ITK_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION to itkConfigure.h because it is used to determine whether ITK provides explicit instantiations, which does not change outside the project. Added instantiations of some common core types. Removed old explicit instantiation beta code.
| |
| ENH: Moving minor number to "7" after tagging for release ITK 2.6.
| |
| |
| ITKConfig.cmake.in
| |
| ENH: Specify ITK_GDCM_DIR and ITK_USE_SYSTEM_GDCM in the export configuration so that projects using ITK know about it
| |
| |
| UseITK.cmake.in
| |
| ENH: Allow ITK to be built against an installed version of GDCM with the ITK_USE_SYSTEM_GDCM option
| |
| |
| itkConfigure.h.in
| |
| ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
| |
| ENH: begin introducing concept checking; introducing ITK_USE_CONCEPT_CHECKING CMake variable to determine whether concept checking is used
| |
| |
| itkGenerateITKConfig.cmake
| |
| ENH: Allow ITK to be built against an installed version of GDCM with the ITK_USE_SYSTEM_GDCM option
| |
| |
| itkIncludeDirectories.cmake
| |
| ENH: Do not add GDCM to the build tree if its ITK_USE_SYSTEM_GDCM is on
| |
| |
| CMake/CheckCPPDirective.cmake
| |
| ENH: Allow ITK to be built against an installed version of GDCM with the ITK_USE_SYSTEM_GDCM option
| |
| |
| CMake/Attic/FindGDCM.cmake
| |
| ENH: Remove confusing script that was written at the time where GDCM was build using autotools...
| |
| |
| Code/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux. This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkAntiAliasBinaryImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkBalloonForceFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkBayesianClassifierInitializationImageFilter
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkBinaryMask3DMeshSource
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkBinaryMedialNodeMetr
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkBinaryMinMaxCurvatureFlowImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkBinaryPruningImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Updated filter description
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkBinaryThinningImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkBioCell
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkBioGenome
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkCannySegmentationLevelSetFunction
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkCannySegmentationLevelSetImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkCollidingFrontsImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkCorrelationCoefficientHistogramImageToImageMetr
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkCurvatureFlowImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkCurvatureRegistrationFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkCurvesLevelSetImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkDeformableMesh3DFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkDeformableSimplexMesh3DBalloonForceFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkDeformableSimplexMesh3DFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkDeformableSimplexMesh3DGradientConstraintForceFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkEuclideanDistancePointMetr
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkExtensionVelocitiesImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkFEMFiniteDifferenceFunctionLoad
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkFEMRegistrationFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkFastChamferDistanceImageFilter
| |
| COMP: fixing a compile error
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkFastChamferDistanceImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkFastMarchingExtensionImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkFastMarchingImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkFastMarchingUpwindGradientImageFilter
| |
| BUG: Fixed the TargetReached modes of the algorithm
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkFastMarchingUpwindGradientImageFilter
| |
| BUG: Fixed the TargetReached modes of the algorithm
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkGradientVectorFlowImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkHistogramMatchingImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkImageKmeansModelEstimator
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkImageToSpatialObjectMetric
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkImageToSpatialObjectMetr
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkImageToSpatialObjectRegistrationMethod
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkImageToSpatialObjectRegistrationMethod
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkIsoContourDistanceImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkIsoContourDistanceImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkIsolatedWatershedImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkKLMRegionGrowImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkKullbackLeiblerCompareHistogramImageToImageMetric
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkKullbackLeiblerCompareHistogramImageToImageMetr
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkLabelVotingImageFilter
| |
| BUG: missing InputImageDimension.
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkMIRegistrationFunction
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkMRFImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkMRIBiasFieldCorrectionFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkMRIBiasFieldCorrectionFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkMattesMutualInformationImageToImageMetr
| |
| BUG: Stop looking for points if using an image mask if we try 10 times more than the requested number (helps with mistakes using empty mask images)
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkMeanReciprocalSquareDifferencePointSetToImageMetr
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkMeanSquareRegistrationFunction
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkMeanSquaresImageToImageMetric
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking to a metric as an example
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkMinMaxCurvatureFlowFunction
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkMinMaxCurvatureFlowImageFilter
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkMultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkMultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkMultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkMutualInformationHistogramImageToImageMetr
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkMutualInformationImageToImageMetr
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkNCCRegistrationFunction
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkNarrowBandCurvesLevelSetImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkNarrowBandLevelSetImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkNarrowBandThresholdSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkNormalizedCorrelationImageToImageMetr
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkNormalizedCorrelationPointSetToImageMetr
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkNormalizedMutualInformationHistogramImageToImageMetr
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkOtsuMultipleThresholdsImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkOtsuMultipleThresholdsImageFilter
| |
| BUG: 2786. Adding types for managing thresholds expressed in RealType.
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkOtsuThresholdImageCalculator
| |
| ENH: Added Region to calculator.
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkOtsuThresholdImageCalculator
| |
| ENH: Added Region to calculator.
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkOtsuThresholdImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkRayCastInterpolateImageFunction
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkRecursiveMultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkReinitializeLevelSetImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkSTAPLEImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkScalarImageKmeansImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkSimplexMeshVolumeCalculator
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilter
| |
| ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilter
| |
| ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkThresholdSegmentationLevelSetFunction
| |
| STYLE: Cleaned up comments
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkUnaryMedialNodeMetr
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkVectorThresholdSegmentationLevelSetFunction
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkVnlFFTComplexConjugateToRealImageFilter
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkVoronoiDiagram2DGenerator
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkVoronoiPartitioningImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkVoronoiPartitioningImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkVoronoiSegmentationImageFilter
| |
| COMP: fixing compiler warnings
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkVoronoiSegmentationImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkVoronoiSegmentationImageFilterBase
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkVoronoiSegmentationRGBImageFilter
| |
| COMP: fixing compiler warnings
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkVoronoiSegmentationRGBImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkWatershedImageFilter
| |
| |
| Code/Algorithms/itkWatershedSegmenter
| |
| STYLE: Equations specified incorrectly
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux. This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkAbsImageFilter
| |
| BUG: Signed concept is not required for AbsImageFilter
| |
| ENH: begin introducing concept checking; introducing ITK_USE_CONCEPT_CHECKING CMake variable to determine whether concept checking is used
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkAbsoluteValueDifferenceImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkAccumulateImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkAcosImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkAdaptImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkAdaptiveHistogramEqualizationImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkAddImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkAndImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkApproximateSignedDistanceMapImageFilter
| |
| ENH: more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkAsinImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkAtan2ImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkAtanImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkBSplineCenteredResampleImageFilterBase
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkBSplineDecompositionImageFilter
| |
| ENH: more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkBSplineDecompositionImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkBSplineDownsampleImageFilter
| |
| ENH: more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkBSplineDownsampleImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkBSplineInterpolateImageFunction
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkBSplineUpsampleImageFilter
| |
| ENH: more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkBSplineUpsampleImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkBilateralImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkBilateralImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkBinaryFunctorImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkBinaryMagnitudeImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkBinaryMaskToNarrowBandPointSetFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkBinaryMedianImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkBinaryMorphologyImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkBinaryThresholdImageFilter
| |
| ENH: More verbose documentation
| |
| ENH: begin introducing concept checking; introducing ITK_USE_CONCEPT_CHECKING CMake variable to determine whether concept checking is used
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkBinomialBlurImageFilter
| |
| ENH: more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkBloxBoundaryPointImageToBloxBoundaryProfileImageFilter
| |
| ENH: more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkBloxBoundaryPointImageToBloxBoundaryProfileImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkBloxBoundaryProfileImageToBloxCoreAtomImageFilter
| |
| ENH: remove redundant dim parameter from itkBloxBoundaryProfileImageToBloxCoreAtomImageFilter
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkBloxBoundaryProfileImageToBloxCoreAtomImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkBoundedReciprocalImageFilter
| |
| ENH: begin introducing concept checking; introducing ITK_USE_CONCEPT_CHECKING CMake variable to determine whether concept checking is used
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkCannyEdgeDetectionImageFilter
| |
| ENH: checking for SameDimension and IsFloatingPoint concepts
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkCastImageFilter
| |
| ENH: begin introducing concept checking; introducing ITK_USE_CONCEPT_CHECKING CMake variable to determine whether concept checking is used
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkChangeLabelImageFilter
| |
| ENH: begin introducing concept checking; introducing ITK_USE_CONCEPT_CHECKING CMake variable to determine whether concept checking is used
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkClosingByReconstructionImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkComplexToImaginaryImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkComplexToModulusImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkComplexToPhaseImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkComplexToRealImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkCompose2DCovariantVectorImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkCompose2DVectorImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkCompose3DCovariantVectorImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkCompose3DVectorImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkConfidenceConnectedImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkConfidenceConnectedImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkConnectedComponentFunctorImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkConnectedThresholdImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkConstantPadImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkConstrainedValueAdditionImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkConstrainedValueDifferenceImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkContourDirectedMeanDistanceImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkContourMeanDistanceImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkCosImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkCropImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkCurvatureAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkDanielssonDistanceMapImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkDerivativeImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkDifferenceOfGaussiansGradientImageFilter
| |
| COMP: fixing compiler errors shown on cygwin
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkDiffusionTensor3DReconstructionImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkDilateObjectMorphologyImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkDirectedHausdorffDistanceImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkDiscreteGaussianImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkDivideImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkDoubleThresholdImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkEdgePotentialImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkEigenAnalysis2DImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkEigenAnalysis2DImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkErodeObjectMorphologyImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkExpImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkExpNegativeImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkExpandImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkExpandImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkExtractImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkGradientAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkGradientImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkGradientImageToBloxBoundaryPointImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkGradientMagnitudeImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkGradientMagnitudeRecursiveGaussianImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkGradientNDAnisotropicDiffusionFunction
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkGradientRecursiveGaussianImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkGradientToMagnitudeImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkGrayscaleConnectedClosingImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkGrayscaleConnectedOpeningImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkGrayscaleDilateImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkGrayscaleErodeImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkGrayscaleFillholeImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkGrayscaleFunctionDilateImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkGrayscaleFunctionErodeImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkGrayscaleGeodesicDilateImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkGrayscaleGeodesicErodeImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkGrayscaleGrindPeakImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkGrayscaleMorphologicalClosingImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkGrayscaleMorphologicalOpeningImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkHConcaveImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkHConvexImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkHMaximaImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkHMinimaImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkHardConnectedComponentImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkHausdorffDistanceImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkHessian3DToVesselnessMeasureImageFilter
| |
| COMP: need StaticConstMacro for Borland.
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkHessian3DToVesselnessMeasureImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkHessianRecursiveGaussianImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkHoughTransform2DCirclesImageFilter
| |
| COMP: fixing compiler errors shown on cygwin
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkHoughTransform2DCirclesImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkHoughTransform2DLinesImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkHoughTransform2DLinesImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkIntensityWindowingImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkInterpolateImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkInterpolateImagePointsFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkInverseDeformationFieldImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkInvertIntensityImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkIsolatedConnectedImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkIsolatedConnectedImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkIterativeInverseDeformationFieldImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkIterativeInverseDeformationFieldImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkJoinImageFilter
| |
| COMP: missing typenames.
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkJoinSeriesImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkLabelStatisticsImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkLabelStatisticsImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkLaplacianImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkLog10ImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkLogImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkMaskImageFilter
| |
| ENH: more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkMaskNegatedImageFilter
| |
| ENH: more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkMaskNeighborhoodOperatorImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkMatrixIndexSelectionImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkMaximumImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkMeanImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkMedianImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkMinimumImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkMinimumMaximumImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkMirrorPadImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkModulusImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkMorphologicalGradientImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkMultiplyImageFilter
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkNaryAddImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkNaryFunctorImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkNaryMaximumImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkNeighborhoodConnectedImageFilter
| |
| ENH: more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkNeighborhoodOperatorImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkNoiseImageFilter
| |
| ENH: more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkNonThreadedShrinkImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkNonThreadedShrinkImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkNormalizedCorrelationImageFilter
| |
| COMP: fixing compilation error
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkNormalizedCorrelationImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkNotImageFilter
| |
| ENH: more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkObjectMorphologyImageFilter
| |
| COMP: fixing a typo that was causing a compiler error on the dashboard
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkObjectMorphologyImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkOpeningByReconstructionImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkOrImageFilter
| |
| ENH: more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkOrientImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkParallelSparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter
| |
| ENH: more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkPolylineMask2DImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkPolylineMaskImageFilter
| |
| ENH: more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkRGBToLuminanceImageFilter
| |
| ENH: more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkReconstructionByDilationImageFilter
| |
| ENH: more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkReconstructionByErosionImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkRecursiveGaussianImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkReflectImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkRegionOfInterestImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkRelabelComponentImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkResampleImageFilter
| |
| BUG: #2672 fixed. m_OutputOrigin type was incorrect.
| |
| ENH: more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkResampleImageFilter
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkRescaleIntensityImageFilter
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkScalarConnectedComponentImageFilter
| |
| ENH: more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkScalarToArrayCastImageFilter
| |
| ENH: more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkShiftScaleImageFilter
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkShiftScaleInPlaceImageFilter
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkShrinkImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkShrinkImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkSigmoidImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkSignedDanielssonDistanceMapImageFilter
| |
| ENH: more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkSignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilter
| |
| ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkSignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilter
| |
| BUG: renamed functor to avoid conflict.
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkSimilarityIndexImageFilter
| |
| ENH: more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkSimpleContourExtractorImageFilter
| |
| ENH: more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkSinImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkSmoothingRecursiveGaussianImageFilter
| |
| ENH: more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkSobelEdgeDetectionImageFilter
| |
| ENH: more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkSparseFieldFourthOrderLevelSetImageFilter
| |
| ENH: more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkSparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Cleaned up comments
| |
| ENH: adding more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkSparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Cleaned up comments
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkSqrtImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkSquareImageFilter
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkSquaredDifferenceImageFilter
| |
| ENH: more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkStatisticsImageFilter
| |
| ENH: more concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkStatisticsImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkStreamingImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkSubtractImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkSymmetricEigenAnalysisImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkTanImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkTensorFractionalAnisotropyImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkTensorRelativeAnisotropyImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkTernaryFunctorImageFilter
| |
| COMP: fixing a typo that was causing a compiler error on the dashboard
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkTernaryMagnitudeImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkThresholdImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkThresholdLabelerImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| BUG: 2786. Adding types for managing thresholds expressed in RealType.
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkThresholdLabelerImageFilter
| |
| BUG: 2786. Adding types for managing thresholds expressed in RealType.
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkTileImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkTobogganImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkTwoOutputExampleImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorCastImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorConfidenceConnectedImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorConnectedComponentImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorCurvatureAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorExpandImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorExpandImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorGradientAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorIndexSelectionCastImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorNeighborhoodOperatorImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorResampleImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorResampleImageFilter
| |
| COMP: Set threads to 1 if Borland.
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorRescaleIntensityImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorRescaleIntensityImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkVotingBinaryHoleFillingImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkVotingBinaryImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkVotingBinaryIterativeHoleFillingImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkWarpImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkWarpVectorImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkWeightedAddImageFilter
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkWhiteTopHatImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkWrapPadImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept-checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkXorImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkZeroCrossingBasedEdgeDetectionImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/BasicFilters/itkZeroCrossingImageFilter
| |
| ENH: adding concept checking
| |
| |
| Code/Common/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux. This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| ENH: Added explicit instantiation support framework to itkMacro.h. See this header for details and documentation of the support macros. Added option ITK_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION to itkConfigure.h because it is used to determine whether ITK provides explicit instantiations, which does not change outside the project. Added instantiations of some common core types. Removed old explicit instantiation beta code.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkAbsImageAdaptor
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| STYLE: fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkAcosImageAdaptor
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkAddImageAdaptor
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkAddPixelAccessor
| |
| STYLE: fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkAffineTransform
| |
| ENH: Explicit Instantiation Support
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| STYLE: fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkAffineTransform
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkAnnulusOperator
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkAnnulusOperator
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkArray
| |
| STYLE: fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkArray
| |
| STYLE: fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkArray2D
| |
| STYLE: fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkAsinImageAdaptor
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkAtanImageAdaptor
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkAutoPointer
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkAutoPointerDataObjectDecorator
| |
| STYLE: fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkAutoPointerDataObjectDecorator
| |
| STYLE: fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkAzimuthElevationToCartesianTransform
| |
| STYLE: indentation.
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkAzimuthElevationToCartesianTransform
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| STYLE: fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBSplineDeformableTransform
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBSplineDeformableTransform
| |
| STYLE: line length and indentation.
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBSplineDerivativeKernelFunction
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBSplineInterpolationWeightFunction
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBSplineInterpolationWeightFunction
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBSplineKernelFunction
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBackwardDifferenceOperator
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBackwardDifferenceOperator
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBarrier
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBarrier
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBinaryBallStructuringElement
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBinaryBallStructuringElement
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBinaryCrossStructuringElement
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBinaryCrossStructuringElement
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBinaryThresholdImageFunction
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBinaryThresholdSpatialFunction
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBloxBoundaryPointImage
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBloxBoundaryPointImage
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBloxBoundaryPointItem
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBloxBoundaryPointItem
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBloxBoundaryPointPixel
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBloxBoundaryProfileImage
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBloxBoundaryProfileImage
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBloxBoundaryProfileItem
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBloxBoundaryProfileItem
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBloxBoundaryProfilePixel
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBloxBoundaryProfilePixel
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBloxCoreAtomImage
| |
| COMP: Fixing template parameter
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBloxCoreAtomImage
| |
| COMP: Fixing template parameter
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBloxCoreAtomPixel
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBloxCoreAtomPixel
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBloxImage
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBloxItem
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBloxPixel
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBluePixelAccessor
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBoundingBox
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkBoundingBox
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkByteSwapper
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkByteSwapper
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkCellInterface
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkCellInterface
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkCellInterfaceVisitor
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkCenteredAffineTransform
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkCenteredAffineTransform
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkCenteredEuler3DTransform
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkCenteredEuler3DTransform
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkCenteredRigid2DTransform
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkCenteredRigid2DTransform
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkCenteredSimilarity2DTransform
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkCenteredSimilarity2DTransform
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkCenteredTransformInitializer
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkCenteredTransformInitializer
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkCenteredVersorTransformInitializer
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkCenteredVersorTransformInitializer
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkCentralDifferenceImageFunction
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkCentralDifferenceImageFunction
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkChainCodePath
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkChainCodePa
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkChainCodePath2D
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkChainCodePath2D
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkChildTreeIterator
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkColorTable
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkColorTable
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkCommand
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkComplexToImaginaryImageAdaptor
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkComplexToModulusImageAdaptor
| |
| STYLE: indentation.
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkComplexToPhaseImageAdaptor
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkComplexToRealImageAdaptor
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkConceptChecking
| |
| COMP: fixing dashboard warnings about assignment between different types
| |
| COMP: fixing typo
| |
| ENH: adding a comment about why the argument to sizeof is not enclosed in ()'s
| |
| COMP: #include for PixelTraits was missing.
| |
| ENH: adding new concepts; modify some existing ones to accept multiple types
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkConditionVariable
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkConditionVariable
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkConditionalConstIterator
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkConditionalConstIterator
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkConicShellInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkConicShellInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkConstNeighborhoodIterator
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkConstNeighborhoodIterator
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkConstShapedNeighborhoodIterator
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkConstShapedNeighborhoodIterator
| |
| STYLE: long lines.
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkConstSliceIterator
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkConstantBoundaryCondition
| |
| BUG: #3151. Boundary conditions could access unactivated indices in shaped iterators."
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkContinuousIndex
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkCoreAtomImageToDistanceMatrixProcess
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkCoreAtomImageToDistanceMatrixProcess
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkCorrespondenceDataStructure
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkCorrespondenceDataStructureIterator
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkCorrespondenceDataStructureIterator
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkCorrespondingMedialNodeClique
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkCosImageAdaptor
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkCovariantVector
| |
| BUG: Fix for bug 3152: Headers for compound pixel types now #include the appropriate NumericTraits specialization headers.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkCovariantVector
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkCreateObjectFunction
| |
| ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkDefaultDynamicMeshTraits
| |
| ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkDenseFiniteDifferenceImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Cleaned up comments
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkDifferenceImageFilter
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkDifferenceImageFilter
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkDiffusionTensor3D
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkDirectory
| |
| ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
| |
| ENH: Redo implementation of itkDirectory to use kwsys (avoid duplicating code). Also fix some minor style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkDirectory
| |
| ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
| |
| ENH: Redo implementation of itkDirectory to use kwsys (avoid duplicating code). Also fix some minor style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkDynamicLoader
| |
| ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkElasticBodyReciprocalSplineKernelTransform
| |
| BUG: incorrect type macro
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkEllipsoidInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkEquivalencyTable
| |
| STYLE: spacing.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkEquivalencyTable
| |
| STYLE: spacing.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkEuler3DTransform
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkExpImageAdaptor
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkExpNegativeImageAdaptor
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Attic/itkExplicitInstantiations
| |
| ENH: Added explicit instantiation support framework to itkMacro.h. See this header for details and documentation of the support macros. Added option ITK_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION to itkConfigure.h because it is used to determine whether ITK provides explicit instantiations, which does not change outside the project. Added instantiations of some common core types. Removed old explicit instantiation beta code.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkFastMutexLock
| |
| ENH: Redo implementation of itkDirectory to use kwsys (avoid duplicating code). Also fix some minor style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkFiniteCylinderSpatialFunction
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkFixedArray
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkFixedArray
| |
| ENH: Added explicit instantiation support framework to itkMacro.h. See this header for details and documentation of the support macros. Added option ITK_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION to itkConfigure.h because it is used to determine whether ITK provides explicit instantiations, which does not change outside the project. Added instantiations of some common core types. Removed old explicit instantiation beta code.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkFloodFilledFunctionConditionalConstIterator
| |
| STYLE: various.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkFloodFilledFunctionConditionalConstIterator
| |
| STYLE: various.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkFloodFilledImageFunctionConditionalConstIterator
| |
| STYLE: various.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkFloodFilledImageFunctionConditionalConstIterator
| |
| STYLE: various.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkFloodFilledSpatialFunctionConditionalConstIterator
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkFourierSeriesPa
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkFrustumSpatialFunction
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkGaussianDerivativeSpatialFunction
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkGaussianKernelFunction
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkGaussianOperator
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkGaussianSpatialFunction
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkHexahedronCell
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkHexahedronCell
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkImage
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkImage
| |
| ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkImageAdaptor
| |
| ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkImageBase
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkImageBase
| |
| ENH: Added explicit instantiation support framework to itkMacro.h. See this header for details and documentation of the support macros. Added option ITK_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION to itkConfigure.h because it is used to determine whether ITK provides explicit instantiations, which does not change outside the project. Added instantiations of some common core types. Removed old explicit instantiation beta code.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkImageBoundaryCondition
| |
| BUG: #3151. Boundary conditions could access unactivated indices in shaped iterators."
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkImageFunction
| |
| STYLE: spelling error.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkImageRegion
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkImageRegion
| |
| ENH: Added explicit instantiation support framework to itkMacro.h. See this header for details and documentation of the support macros. Added option ITK_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION to itkConfigure.h because it is used to determine whether ITK provides explicit instantiations, which does not change outside the project. Added instantiations of some common core types. Removed old explicit instantiation beta code.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkImageRegionMultidimensionalSplitter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkImageSource
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkImageToImageFilter
| |
| ENH: Added explicit instantiation support framework to itkMacro.h. See this header for details and documentation of the support macros. Added option ITK_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION to itkConfigure.h because it is used to determine whether ITK provides explicit instantiations, which does not change outside the project. Added instantiations of some common core types. Removed old explicit instantiation beta code.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkImportImageContainer
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkImportImageContainer
| |
| ENH: Added explicit instantiation support framework to itkMacro.h. See this header for details and documentation of the support macros. Added option ITK_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION to itkConfigure.h because it is used to determine whether ITK provides explicit instantiations, which does not change outside the project. Added instantiations of some common core types. Removed old explicit instantiation beta code.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkIndex
| |
| ENH: Added explicit instantiation support framework to itkMacro.h. See this header for details and documentation of the support macros. Added option ITK_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION to itkConfigure.h because it is used to determine whether ITK provides explicit instantiations, which does not change outside the project. Added instantiations of some common core types. Removed old explicit instantiation beta code.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkLandmarkBasedTransformInitializer
| |
| ENH: Remove annoying warning macro. Not reason enough to throw a warning
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkLevelSetFunction
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkLightObject
| |
| ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkLineConstIterator
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkLinearInterpolateImageFunction
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkLog10ImageAdaptor
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkLogImageAdaptor
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkMacro
| |
| ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
| |
| ENH: Added explicit instantiation support framework to itkMacro.h. See this header for details and documentation of the support macros. Added option ITK_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION to itkConfigure.h because it is used to determine whether ITK provides explicit instantiations, which does not change outside the project. Added instantiations of some common core types. Removed old explicit instantiation beta code.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkMahalanobisDistanceThresholdImageFunction
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkMapContainer
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkMapContainer
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkMetaDataDictionary
| |
| PERF: switch to using itk_hash_map
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkMetaDataDictionary
| |
| BUG: switching to itk_hash_map results in an api change (no operator->()). unrolling change.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkMetaDataObject
| |
| PERF: Bypass the factory mechanism for MetaDataObject
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkNumericTraits
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkNumericTraitsRGBPixel
| |
| COMP: WrapITK requires numeric traits for itk::RGB_Pixel<unsigned short>
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkNumericTraitsRGBPixel
| |
| COMP: WrapITK requires numeric traits for itk::RGB_Pixel<unsigned short>
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkNumericTraitsVectorPixel
| |
| BUG: typo
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkObject
| |
| ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkObject
| |
| ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkObjectFactoryBase
| |
| ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkObjectFactoryBase
| |
| ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkOrientedImage
| |
| ENH: Added explicit instantiation support framework to itkMacro.h. See this header for details and documentation of the support macros. Added option ITK_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION to itkConfigure.h because it is used to determine whether ITK provides explicit instantiations, which does not change outside the project. Added instantiations of some common core types. Removed old explicit instantiation beta code.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkPeriodicBoundaryCondition
| |
| STYLE: removed debug statements.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkPhasedArray3DSpecialCoordinatesImage
| |
| ENH: Added explicit instantiation support framework to itkMacro.h. See this header for details and documentation of the support macros. Added option ITK_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION to itkConfigure.h because it is used to determine whether ITK provides explicit instantiations, which does not change outside the project. Added instantiations of some common core types. Removed old explicit instantiation beta code.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkPoint
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkPointLocator
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkQuaternionRigidTransform
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkRGBPixel
| |
| BUG: Fix for bug 3152: Headers for compound pixel types now #include the appropriate NumericTraits specialization headers.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkRealTimeClock
| |
| ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkRigid2DTransform
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkRigid3DPerspectiveTransform
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkScaleLogarithmicTransform
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkScaleSkewVersor3DTransform
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkSimilarity2DTransform
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkSimilarity3DTransform
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkSimpleFastMutexLock
| |
| ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkSimpleFastMutexLock
| |
| ENH: Redo implementation of itkDirectory to use kwsys (avoid duplicating code). Also fix some minor style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkSimpleFilterWatcher
| |
| ENH: allow new class access to private data.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkSimplexMeshGeometry
| |
| STYLE: indentation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkSinImageAdaptor
| |
| STYLE: indentation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkSize
| |
| ENH: Added explicit instantiation support framework to itkMacro.h. See this header for details and documentation of the support macros. Added option ITK_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION to itkConfigure.h because it is used to determine whether ITK provides explicit instantiations, which does not change outside the project. Added instantiations of some common core types. Removed old explicit instantiation beta code.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkSmartPointer
| |
| ENH: Redo implementation of itkDirectory to use kwsys (avoid duplicating code). Also fix some minor style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkSmartPointerForwardReference
| |
| ENH: Redo implementation of itkDirectory to use kwsys (avoid duplicating code). Also fix some minor style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkSmartPointerForwardReference
| |
| ENH: Redo implementation of itkDirectory to use kwsys (avoid duplicating code). Also fix some minor style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkSpecialCoordinatesImage
| |
| ENH: Added explicit instantiation support framework to itkMacro.h. See this header for details and documentation of the support macros. Added option ITK_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION to itkConfigure.h because it is used to determine whether ITK provides explicit instantiations, which does not change outside the project. Added instantiations of some common core types. Removed old explicit instantiation beta code.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkSqrtImageAdaptor
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkSymmetricEllipsoidInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkSymmetricSecondRankTensor
| |
| BUG: Fix for bug 3152: Headers for compound pixel types now #include the appropriate NumericTraits specialization headers.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkTanImageAdaptor
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkThinPlateR2LogRSplineKernelTransform
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkThinPlateR2LogRSplineKernelTransform
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkTimeProbesCollectorBase
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkTimeProbesCollectorBase
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkTorusInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkTriangleCell
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkVariableLengthVector
| |
| BUG: Fix for bug 3152: Headers for compound pixel types now #include the appropriate NumericTraits specialization headers.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkVariableLengthVector
| |
| ENH: Add GetSquaredNorm method to class
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkVector
| |
| BUG: Fix for bug 3152: Headers for compound pixel types now #include the appropriate NumericTraits specialization headers.
| |
| ENH: Added explicit instantiation support framework to itkMacro.h. See this header for details and documentation of the support macros. Added option ITK_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION to itkConfigure.h because it is used to determine whether ITK provides explicit instantiations, which does not change outside the project. Added instantiations of some common core types. Removed old explicit instantiation beta code.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkVector
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkVectorContainer
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkVectorContainer
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkVectorImage
| |
| ENH: Make ImageBase the baseclass to avoid conflicting return types for the same function signature, with ImageBase
| |
| BUG: Incorrect superclass typedef. Pointed out by Gaetan on the developers list.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkVectorImageToImageAdaptor
| |
| BUG: The vector image returns a pixel created on the stack, not a reference to a pixel
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkVectorLinearInterpolateImageFunction
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Attic/itkVectorNearestNeighborInterpolateImageFunction
| |
| BUG: obsolete file. All code is on .h file.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkVersor
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkVersor
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkVersorRigid3DTransform
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkVersorRigid3DTransform
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkVersorTransform
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkVersorTransform
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkVertexCell
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkVertexCell
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkVolumeSplineKernelTransform
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkVolumeSplineKernelTransform
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkWeakPointer
| |
| ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkWin32Header
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkWin32OutputWindow
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkWin32OutputWindow
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkWindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkWindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkWindows
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkXMLFileOutputWindow
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkXMLFilterWatcher
| |
| STYLE: various.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkZeroFluxNeumannBoundaryCondition
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/itkZeroFluxNeumannBoundaryCondition
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkAffineTransform+-
| |
| ENH: Explicit Instantiation Support
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkAffineTransformD2
| |
| ENH: Explicit Instantiation Support
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkAffineTransformD2
| |
| ENH: Explicit Instantiation Support
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkAffineTransformD3
| |
| ENH: Explicit Instantiation Support
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkAffineTransformD3
| |
| ENH: Explicit Instantiation Support
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkAffineTransformF2
| |
| ENH: Explicit Instantiation Support
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkAffineTransformF2
| |
| ENH: Explicit Instantiation Support
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkAffineTransformF3
| |
| ENH: Explicit Instantiation Support
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkAffineTransformF3
| |
| ENH: Explicit Instantiation Support
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkFixedArray+-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkFixedArray+double.2-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkFixedArray+double.3-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkFixedArray+float.2-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkFixedArray+float.3-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkFixedArrayD2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkFixedArrayD2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkFixedArrayD3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkFixedArrayD3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkFixedArrayF2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkFixedArrayF2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkFixedArrayF3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkFixedArrayF3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImage+-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+double.2-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+double.3-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+float.2-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+float.3-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+int.2-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+int.3-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+long.2-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+long.3-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+short.2-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+short.3-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+unsigned_char.2-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+unsigned_char.3-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+unsigned_int.2-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+unsigned_int.3-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+unsigned_long.2-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+unsigned_long.3-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+unsigned_short.2-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+unsigned_short.3-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageBase+-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageBase+2-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageBase+3-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageBase2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageBase2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageBase3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageBase3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageD2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageD2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageD3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageD3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageF2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageF2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageF3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageF3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageI2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageI2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageI3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageI3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageL2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageL2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageL3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageL3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageRegion+-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageRegion+2-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageRegion+3-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageRegion2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageRegion2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageRegion3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageRegion3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageS2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageS2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageS3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageS3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSource+-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+double.2--
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+double.3--
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+float.2--
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+float.3--
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+int.2--
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+int.3--
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+long.2--
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+long.3--
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+short.2--
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+short.3--
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+unsigned_char.2--
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+unsigned_char.3--
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+unsigned_int.2--
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+unsigned_int.3--
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+unsigned_long.2--
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+unsigned_long.3--
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+unsigned_short.2--
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+unsigned_short.3--
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceD2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceD2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceD3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceD3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceF2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceF2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceF3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceF3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceI2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceI2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceI3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceI3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceL2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceL2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceL3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceL3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceS2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceS2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceS3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceS3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceUC2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceUC2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceUC3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceUC3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceUI2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceUI2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceUI3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceUI3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceUL2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceUL2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceUL3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceUL3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceUS2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceUS2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceUS3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceUS3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageUC2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageUC2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageUC3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageUC3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageUI2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageUI2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageUI3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageUI3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageUL2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageUL2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageUL3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageUL3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageUS2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageUS2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageUS3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImageUS3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainer+-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImportImageContainer+unsigned_long.double-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImportImageContainer+unsigned_long.float-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImportImageContainer+unsigned_long.int-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImportImageContainer+unsigned_long.long-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImportImageContainer+unsigned_long.short-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImportImageContainer+unsigned_long.unsigned_char-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImportImageContainer+unsigned_long.unsigned_int-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImportImageContainer+unsigned_long.unsigned_long-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImportImageContainer+unsigned_long.unsigned_short-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_D
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_D
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_F
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_F
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_I
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_I
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_L
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_L
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_S
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_S
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_UC
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_UC
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_UI
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_UI
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_UL
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_UL
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_US
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_US
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkPoint+-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkPoint+double.2-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkPoint+double.3-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkPoint+float.2-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkPoint+float.3-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkPointD2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkPointD2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkPointD3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkPointD3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkPointF2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkPointF2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkPointF3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkPointF3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkVector+-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkVector+double.2-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkVector+double.3-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkVector+float.2-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkVector+float.3-
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkVectorD2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkVectorD2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkVectorD3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkVectorD3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkVectorF2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkVectorF2
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkVectorF3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/Common/Templates/itkVectorF3
| |
| ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations. Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace. These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments. Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
| |
| |
| Code/IO/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux. This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
| |
| |
| Code/IO/itkAnalyzeImageIO
| |
| ENH: thorw exception if invalid dimension is specified.
| |
| |
| Code/IO/itkArchetypeSeriesFileNames
| |
| ENH: Allow filenames that include special characters
| |
| |
| Code/IO/itkBrains2HeaderBase
| |
| ENH: replaced ExceptionObject witk ExceptionMacro.
| |
| |
| Code/IO/itkBrains2MaskImageIO
| |
| ENH: replaced ExceptionObject witk ExceptionMacro.
| |
| |
| Code/IO/itkGDCMImageIO
| |
| BUG: PrintSelf defects.
| |
| BUG: To much cached information is stored. Need to delete entire gdcm::File struct first.
| |
| ENH: Do not need to reread header a second time. Instead retain a copy of the parsed DICOM header and pass internal gdcm structure to the pixel reader.
| |
| STYLE: Remove old debug...
| |
| ENH: When writing 3D Image, the code is correct to put proper Origin and Direction
| |
| BUG: When writting 3D images, it allowed to access the 3d component of the ITK Spacing.
| |
| ENH: Provide an helper function around the MetaDataDictionary. Make it more user oriented.
| |
| |
| Code/IO/itkGDCMImageIO
| |
| PERF: Reduced the number of times the file is read to two.
| |
| ENH: When writing 3D Image, the code is correct to put proper Origin and Direction
| |
| |
| Code/IO/itkGDCMSeriesFileNames
| |
| BUG: PrintSelf defects.
| |
| |
| Code/IO/itkGDCMSeriesFileNames
| |
| PERF: Reduced the number of times the file is read to two.
| |
| |
| Code/IO/itkIOCommon
| |
| |
| Code/IO/itkIOCommon
| |
| |
| Code/IO/itkImageIOFactory
| |
| ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
| |
| |
| Code/IO/itkImageSeriesWriter
| |
| ENH: better error checking on MetaDataDictonaryArray size.
| |
| |
| Code/IO/itkMetaImageIO
| |
| COMP: fixed member object reference
| |
| |
| Code/IO/itkNiftiImageIO
| |
| COMP: removed header include line for non-existent header
| |
| |
| Code/IO/itkPNGImageIO
| |
| BUG: reader was not shifting data when it was encoded in the image.
| |
| |
| Code/IO/itkStimulateImageIOFactory
| |
| ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
| |
| |
| Code/IO/itkTIFFImageIO
| |
| ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
| |
| |
| Code/IO/itkVTKImageIO
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux. This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/itkCumulativeGaussianCostFunction
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/itkCumulativeGaussianOptimizer
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/itkFRPROptimizer
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/itkFRPROptimizer
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/itkMultipleValuedNonLinearVnlOptimizer
| |
| ENH: Adding support for reporting Iteration events from the VNL optimizers.
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/itkMultipleValuedNonLinearVnlOptimizer
| |
| ENH: Adding support for reporting Iteration events from the VNL optimizers.
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/itkMultipleValuedVnlCostFunctionAdaptor
| |
| ENH: Adding support for reporting Iteration events from the VNL optimizers.
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/itkMultipleValuedVnlCostFunctionAdaptor
| |
| ENH: Adding support for reporting Iteration events from the VNL optimizers.
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/itkOnePlusOneEvolutionaryOptimizer
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/itkSPSAOptimizer
| |
| ENH: Using the MersenneTwisterRandomVariateGenerator rather than VNL
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/itkSPSAOptimizer
| |
| ENH: Using the MersenneTwisterRandomVariateGenerator rather than VNL
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/itkSingleValuedNonLinearVnlOptimizer
| |
| ENH: Adding support for reporting Iteration events from the VNL optimizers.
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/itkSingleValuedVnlCostFunctionAdaptor
| |
| ENH: Adding support for reporting Iteration events from the VNL optimizers.
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/FEM/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux. This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/FEM/itkFEMElement2DC0LinearQuadrilateral
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/FEM/itkFEMElement2DC1Beam
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/FEM/itkFEMElement3DC0LinearHexahedron
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/FEM/itkFEMElement3DC0LinearTetrahedron
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/FEM/itkFEMGenerateMe
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/FEM/itkFEMImageMetricLoad
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/FEM/itkFEMLoadImplementationGenericLandmarkLoad
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/FEM/itkFEMSolverCrankNicolson
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/FEM/itkFEMSolverCrankNicolson
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkBackPropagationLayer
| |
| COMP: WinNT-bcc32 typename fixes
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkBackPropagationLayer
| |
| ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkBatchSupervisedTrainingFunction
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkBatchSupervisedTrainingFunction
| |
| ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkCompletelyConnectedWeightSet
| |
| BUG: size of connectivity matrix was reversed compared to the weight matrix
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkErrorFunctionBase
| |
| ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkGaussianRadialBasisFunction
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkIterativeSupervisedTrainingFunction
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkIterativeSupervisedTrainingFunction
| |
| ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkLayerBase
| |
| ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkLayerBase
| |
| ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkLogSigmoidTransferFunction
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkMeanSquaredErrorFunction
| |
| COMP: WinNT-bcc32 typename fixes
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkMeanSquaredErrorFunction
| |
| ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkMultilayerNeuralNetworkBase
| |
| COMP: WinNT-bcc32 typename fixes
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkMultilayerNeuralNetworkBase
| |
| ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkMultiquadricRadialBasisFunction
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkNeuralNetworkObject
| |
| ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkOneHiddenLayerBackPropagationNeuralNetwork
| |
| COMP: WinNT-bcc32 typename fixes
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkOneHiddenLayerBackPropagationNeuralNetwork
| |
| ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkRBFBackPropagationLearningFunction
| |
| ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkRBFLayer
| |
| COMP: WinNT-bcc32 typename fixes
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkRBFLayer
| |
| ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkRBFNetwork
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkRBFNetwork
| |
| ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkSigmoidTransferFunction
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkSquaredDifferenceErrorFunction
| |
| COMP: WinNT-bcc32 typename fixes
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkSquaredDifferenceErrorFunction
| |
| ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkSymmetricSigmoidTransferFunction
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkTanHTransferFunction
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkTanSigmoidTransferFunction
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkTrainingFunctionBase
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkTrainingFunctionBase
| |
| ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkTwoHiddenLayerBackPropagationNeuralNetwork
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkTwoHiddenLayerBackPropagationNeuralNetwork
| |
| ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkWeightSetBase
| |
| ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkWeightSetBase
| |
| ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/Statistics/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux. This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkEuclideanDistance
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkExpectationMaximizationMixtureModelEstimator
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkGaussianDensityFunction
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkGaussianGoodnessOfFitComponent
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkGaussianMixtureModelComponent
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkGoodnessOfFitFunctionBase
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkGreyLevelCooccurrenceMatrixTextureCoefficientsCalculator
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkHistogramToEntropyImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkHistogramToLogProbabilityImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkListSampleToHistogramGenerator
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkLogLikelihoodGoodnessOfFitFunction
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkNormalVariateGenerator
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkSampleToHistogramProjectionFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkScalarImageToHistogramGenerator
| |
| |
| Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkScalarImageToHistogramGenerator
| |
| |
| Code/Patented/itkActiveShapeModelCalculator
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Patented/itkActiveShapeModelGradientSearchMethod
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Patented/itkSimpleFuzzyConnectednessRGBImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Patented/itkSimpleFuzzyConnectednessScalarImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Patented/itkVectorFuzzyConnectednessImageFilter
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/Review/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/d1ma
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/d1mach.f
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/d9gmit
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/d9gmit.f
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/d9lgic
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/d9lgic.f
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/d9lgit
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/d9lgit.f
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/d9lgmc
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/d9lgmc.f
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/d_int
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/d_mod
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/dbetai
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/dbetai.f
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/dcsevl
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/dcsevl.f
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/dgami
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/dgami.f
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/dgamit
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/dgamit.f
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/dgamlm
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/dgamlm.f
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/dgamma
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/dgamma.f
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/dgamr
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/dgamr.f
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/dlbeta
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/dlbeta.f
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/dlgams
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/dlgams.f
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/dlngam
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/dlngam.f
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/dlnrel
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/dlnrel.f
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/initds
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/initds.f
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/itkChiSquareDistribution
| |
| STYLE: various.
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/itkChiSquareDistribution
| |
| STYLE: various.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/itkGaussianDistribution
| |
| STYLE: various.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/itkGaussianDistribution
| |
| STYLE: various.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/itkProbabilityDistribution
| |
| STYLE: various.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/Attic/itkSignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilter
| |
| ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
| |
| STYLE: More fixes according to messages from KWStyle.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/Attic/itkSignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilter
| |
| ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
| |
| STYLE: More fixes according to messages from KWStyle.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/itkTDistribution
| |
| STYLE: various.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/itkTDistribution
| |
| STYLE: various.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/Attic/itkThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilter
| |
| ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
| |
| STYLE: various KWSTYLE issues.
| |
| BUG: must use itkGetStaticConstMacro to access ImageDimension.
| |
| COMP: "typename" keywords missing.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/Attic/itkThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilter
| |
| ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
| |
| ENH: Use SetMinimumObjectSize of the RelabelComponentImageFilter instead of calculating it separately. This changes results slightly because previously the algorithm found all objects *greater* than the minimum object size, not *greater than or equal to* as RelabelComponentImageFilter does. Also, we now use a MinimumMaximumImageCalculator to find the range of possible thresholds to speed up the binary search and ensure that the found threshold is in this range.
| |
| STYLE: various KWSTYLE issues.
| |
| BUG: mid point was not computed correctly.
| |
| COMP: "typename" keywords missing.
| |
| |
| Code/Review/xermsg
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Code/SpatialObject/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux. This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
| |
| |
| Code/SpatialObject/itkArrowSpatialObject
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/SpatialObject/itkBlobSpatialObject
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/SpatialObject/itkContourSpatialObject
| |
| COMP: Warning, removing const when returning enumeration
| |
| ENH: First checkin
| |
| |
| Code/SpatialObject/itkContourSpatialObject
| |
| ENH: Added support to attach a slice to a contour and display orientation
| |
| ENH: First checkin
| |
| |
| Code/SpatialObject/itkContourSpatialObjectPoint
| |
| ENH: First checkin
| |
| |
| Code/SpatialObject/itkContourSpatialObjectPoint
| |
| ENH: First checkin
| |
| |
| Code/SpatialObject/itkCylinderSpatialObject
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/SpatialObject/itkGaussianSpatialObject
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/SpatialObject/itkMetaContourConverter
| |
| ENH: First checkin
| |
| |
| Code/SpatialObject/itkMetaContourConverter
| |
| ENH: Added support to attach a slice to a contour and display orientation
| |
| |
| Code/SpatialObject/itkMetaSceneConverter
| |
| ENH: Added support for contours
| |
| |
| Code/SpatialObject/itkPolygonSpatialObject
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Code/SpatialObject/itkTubeSpatialObject
| |
| STYLE: Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
| |
| |
| Examples/DataRepresentation/Image/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| COMP: Boland LME linker error.
| |
| |
| Examples/Filtering/BinaryThresholdImageFilter
| |
| BUG: #2929. Writer template type was incorrect.
| |
| |
| Examples/Filtering/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| COMP: Avoid Borland LME1518 linker error.
| |
| BUG: fix last checkin.
| |
| COMP: avoid Borland linker error.
| |
| COMP: Borland linker errors.
| |
| |
| Examples/Filtering/FFTDirectInverse
| |
| COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
| |
| |
| Examples/Filtering/FilteringExamples2
| |
| COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
| |
| |
| Examples/Filtering/FilteringExamples4
| |
| COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
| |
| |
| Examples/Filtering/FilteringExamples6
| |
| COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
| |
| |
| Examples/Filtering/OtsuMultipleThresholdImageFilter
| |
| ENH: Also write out the image thresholded between the upper threshold and the max intensity
| |
| |
| Examples/Filtering/OtsuThresholdImageFilter
| |
| BUG: #2929. Writer template type was incorrect.
| |
| |
| Examples/Filtering/ResampleImageFilter
| |
| COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
| |
| |
| Examples/Filtering/ResampleImageFilter2
| |
| COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
| |
| |
| Examples/Filtering/ResampleImageFilter3
| |
| COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
| |
| |
| Examples/Filtering/ResampleImageFilter4
| |
| COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
| |
| |
| Examples/Filtering/ResampleImageFilter5
| |
| COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
| |
| |
| Examples/Filtering/ResampleImageFilter7
| |
| COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
| |
| |
| Examples/Filtering/ResampleImageFilter8
| |
| COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
| |
| |
| Examples/Filtering/ResampleOrientedImageFilter
| |
| COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
| |
| |
| Examples/IO/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| |
| Examples/IO/DicomImageReadPrintTags
| |
| ENH: Provide an helper function around the MetaDataDictionary. Make it more user oriented.
| |
| |
| Examples/IO/DicomSeriesReadImageWrite
| |
| ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
| |
| |
| Examples/IO/ImageReadDicomSeriesWrite
| |
| |
| Examples/IO/ImageReadWrite
| |
| ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
| |
| |
| Examples/IO/TransformReadWrite
| |
| BUG: BSpline transform was not registered into the factory by default
| |
| |
| Examples/Iterators/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| COMP: Remove tests from Borland to avoid linker errors.
| |
| |
| Examples/Patented/FuzzyConnectednessImageFilter
| |
| ENH: Fixing typos indicated by Alex Chekholko via email.
| |
| |
| Examples/Patented/HybridSegmentationFuzzyVoronoi
| |
| ENH: Fixing typos indicated by Alex Chekholko via email.
| |
| |
| Examples/Registration/BSplineWarping1
| |
| COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
| |
| |
| Examples/Registration/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Adding a nightly test for the ModelToImageRegistration2 example.
| |
| |
| Examples/Registration/DeformableRegistration4
| |
| COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
| |
| |
| Examples/Registration/DeformableRegistration6
| |
| COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
| |
| |
| Examples/Registration/DeformableRegistration7
| |
| |
| Examples/Registration/ImageRegistration12
| |
| COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
| |
| |
| Examples/Registration/ImageRegistration13
| |
| COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
| |
| |
| Examples/Registration/ImageRegistration14
| |
| COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
| |
| |
| Examples/Registration/ImageRegistration5
| |
| COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
| |
| |
| Examples/Registration/ImageRegistration6
| |
| COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
| |
| |
| Examples/Registration/ImageRegistration7
| |
| COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
| |
| |
| Examples/Registration/ImageRegistration9
| |
| COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
| |
| |
| Examples/Registration/ModelToImageRegistration1
| |
| ENH: The metric was not using the interpolator for evaluating the image.
| |
| |
| Examples/Registration/ModelToImageRegistration2
| |
| ENH: Adding the reader and the rasterization filter.
| |
| |
| Examples/Registration/MultiResImageRegistration2
| |
| COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
| |
| |
| Examples/Registration/RegistrationExamples3
| |
| COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
| |
| |
| Examples/Registration/RegistrationExamples4
| |
| COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
| |
| |
| Examples/Registration/RegistrationExamples6
| |
| COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
| |
| |
| Examples/Registration/RegistrationExamples7
| |
| COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
| |
| |
| Examples/Registration/RegistrationExamples9
| |
| COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
| |
| |
| Examples/Registration/RegistrationExamplesO2
| |
| COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
| |
| |
| Examples/Statistics/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| COMP: avoid borland linker error
| |
| |
| Examples/Statistics/ImageHistogram1
| |
| |
| Examples/Statistics/ImageHistogram2
| |
| |
| Examples/Visualization/CannyEdgeDetectionImageFilterConnectVTKITK.py
| |
| ENH: Remove dos end of line
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/Algorithms/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| BUG: added TEMP.
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/Algorithms/itkAlgorithmsTests4
| |
| ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/Algorithms/itkFastMarchingUpwindGradientTest
| |
| ENH: Test the TargetReached modes of the algorithm
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/Algorithms/itkHistogramImageToImageMetricTest
| |
| ENH: initialize upper and lower bound.
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/Algorithms/itkThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilterTest
| |
| ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/BasicFilters/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| BUG: itkSignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilterTest.cxx entered twice.
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkBasicFiltersPrintTest
| |
| ENH: remove redundant dim parameter from itkBloxBoundaryProfileImageToBloxCoreAtomImageFilter
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkBasicFiltersPrintTest2
| |
| COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkBasicFiltersTests4
| |
| ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkBloxBoundaryProfileImageToBloxCoreAtomImageFilterTest
| |
| ENH: remove redundant dim parameter from itkBloxBoundaryProfileImageToBloxCoreAtomImageFilter
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkDiffusionTensor3DReconstructionImageFilterTest
| |
| STYLE: missing copyright.
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkExpImageFilterAndAdaptorTest
| |
| COMP: trying to track down failure on vs 7. Set threads to 1.
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkMorphologicalGradientImageFilterTest
| |
| STYLE: missing copyright.
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkNormalizedCorrelationImageFilterTest
| |
| COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkRecursiveGaussianImageFiltersOnTensorsTest
| |
| STYLE: missing copyright.
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkResampleImageTest
| |
| COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkSignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilterTest
| |
| ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorIndexSelectionCastImageFilterTest
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/Common/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: The DifferenceImageFilter was missing unit testing.
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/Common/itkCommonTests2
| |
| ENH: The DifferenceImageFilter was missing unit testing.
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/Common/itkDifferenceImageFilterTest
| |
| ENH: Fixing input connections to the DifferenceImageFilter.
| |
| ENH: The DifferenceImageFilter was missing unit testing.
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/Common/itkFixedArrayTest
| |
| ENH: Added explicit instantiation support framework to itkMacro.h. See this header for details and documentation of the support macros. Added option ITK_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION to itkConfigure.h because it is used to determine whether ITK provides explicit instantiations, which does not change outside the project. Added instantiations of some common core types. Removed old explicit instantiation beta code.
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/Common/itkPeriodicBoundaryConditionTest
| |
| ENH: added new test.
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/Common/itkTimeProbesTest
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/Common/itkZeroFluxBoundaryConditionTest
| |
| ENH: better testing of BC.
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/IO/itkBMPImageIOTest
| |
| ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/IO/itkIOTests
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/IO/itkNiftiImageIOTest
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/IO/itkRawImageIOTest5
| |
| COMP: warning.
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/IO/itkReadWriteSpatialObjectTest
| |
| ENH: Added support to attach a slice to a contour and display orientation
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/IO/itkTIFFImageIOTest
| |
| ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/Numerics/itkFRPROptimizerTest
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/NNetClassifierTest1
| |
| ENH: changed to incorporate runtime network topology setting, including use of different MeasurementVectorTypes such as itk::Array
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/NNetClassifierTest2
| |
| ENH: changed to incorporate runtime network topology setting, including use of different MeasurementVectorTypes such as itk::Array
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/NNetClassifierTest3
| |
| ENH: changed to incorporate runtime network topology setting, including use of different MeasurementVectorTypes such as itk::Array
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/NNetClassifierTest4
| |
| ENH: changed to incorporate runtime network topology setting, including use of different MeasurementVectorTypes such as itk::Array
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/QPropXORTest1
| |
| ENH: changed to incorporate runtime network topology setting, including use of different MeasurementVectorTypes such as itk::Array
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/RBFTest1
| |
| ENH: changed to incorporate runtime network topology setting, including use of different MeasurementVectorTypes such as itk::Array
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/XORTest1
| |
| ENH: changed to incorporate runtime network topology setting, including use of different MeasurementVectorTypes such as itk::Array
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/XORTest2
| |
| ENH: changed to incorporate runtime network topology setting, including use of different MeasurementVectorTypes such as itk::Array
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/Review/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
| |
| ENH: Adding a second test for the itkThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilter.
| |
| ENH: Adding returns FAILURE in the catch blocks of the tries.
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/Review/itkChiSquareDistributionTest
| |
| STYLE: various.
| |
| ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/Review/itkGaussianDistributionTest
| |
| STYLE: various.
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/Review/itkReviewHeaderTest
| |
| ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
| |
| STYLE: various KWSTYLE issues.
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/Review/itkReviewPrintTest
| |
| STYLE: various KWSTYLE issues.
| |
| ENH: Support files for testing the classes that are under the review process.
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/Review/itkReviewTests
| |
| ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
| |
| STYLE: Fixed style
| |
| COMP: Fixing the connections for the test driver.
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/Review/Attic/itkSignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilterTest
| |
| ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
| |
| STYLE: removing new line at the end of the file. Signaled by KWStyle.
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/Review/itkTDistributionTest
| |
| STYLE: various.
| |
| |
| Testing/Code/Review/Attic/itkThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilterTest
| |
| ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
| |
| STYLE: various KWSTYLE issues.
| |
| ENH: Adding returns FAILURE in the catch blocks of the tries.
| |
| |
| Testing/Data/Baseline/Algorithms/OtsuMultipleThresholdsImageFilterTest.png
| |
| |
| Testing/Data/Baseline/Algorithms/itkThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilterTest1.png
| |
| ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
| |
| |
| Testing/Data/Baseline/Algorithms/itkThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilterTest2.png
| |
| ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
| |
| |
| Testing/Data/Baseline/BasicFilters/itkSignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilterTest1.mhd
| |
| ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
| |
| |
| Testing/Data/Baseline/BasicFilters/itkSignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilterTest1.zraw
| |
| ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
| |
| |
| Testing/Data/Baseline/BasicFilters/itkSignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilterTest2.mhd
| |
| ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
| |
| |
| Testing/Data/Baseline/BasicFilters/itkSignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilterTest2.zraw
| |
| ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
| |
| |
| Testing/Data/Baseline/BasicFilters/itkSignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilterTest3.mhd
| |
| ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
| |
| |
| Testing/Data/Baseline/BasicFilters/itkSignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilterTest3.zraw
| |
| ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
| |
| |
| Testing/Data/Baseline/BasicFilters/itkVectorIndexSelectionCastImageFilterTest1.mha
| |
| ENH: Baseline for the test itkVectorIndexSelectionCastImageFilterTest.
| |
| |
| Testing/Data/Baseline/BasicFilters/itkVectorIndexSelectionCastImageFilterTest2.mha
| |
| ENH: Baseline for the test itkVectorIndexSelectionCastImageFilterTest.
| |
| |
| Testing/Data/Baseline/BasicFilters/itkVectorIndexSelectionCastImageFilterTest3.mha
| |
| ENH: Baseline for the test itkVectorIndexSelectionCastImageFilterTest.
| |
| |
| Testing/Data/Baseline/Common/itkDifferenceImageFilterTest.png
| |
| ENH: Baseline for the DifferenceImageFilterTest.
| |
| |
| Testing/Data/Baseline/Filtering/OtsuMultipleThresholdOutput002.png
| |
| |
| Testing/Data/Input/BrainSliceBinary.png
| |
| ENH: Images needed for testing the Maurer distance map filter.
| |
| |
| Testing/Data/Input/CellsFluorescence1.png
| |
| ENH: Input test image for the threshold maximum connected components filter test.
| |
| |
| Testing/Data/Input/CellsFluorescence2.png
| |
| ENH: Input image for the ThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilterTest2.
| |
| |
| Testing/Data/Input/LungSliceBinary.png
| |
| ENH: Images needed for testing the Maurer distance map filter.
| |
| |
| Testing/Data/Input/SquareBinary201.png
| |
| ENH: Images needed for testing the Maurer distance map filter.
| |
| |
| Utilities/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux. This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
| |
| ENH: Allow ITK to be built against an installed version of GDCM with the ITK_USE_SYSTEM_GDCM option
| |
| |
| Utilities/DICOMParser/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux. This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
| |
| |
| Utilities/Dart/BuildContinuousWithCTest.bat.in
| |
| ENH: bat script to do a continous build with ctest.
| |
| |
| Utilities/Dart/BuildContinuousWithCTest.sh.in
| |
| ENH: generate script to run ctest continuous build.
| |
| |
| Utilities/Dart/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: bat script to do a continous build with ctest.
| |
| |
| Utilities/Doxygen/doxygen.config.in
| |
| ENH: Fixing the names of the concept in the typedef.
| |
| ENH: expanding the concept checking macro so it appears in the Doxygen documentation.
| |
| |
| Utilities/KWStyle/ITK.kws.xml.in
| |
| ENH: Configurable file with the XML description of ITK coding style.
| |
| |
| Utilities/KWStyle/ITKHeader
| |
| ENH: Template of the ITK header to be used for checking by KWStyle.
| |
| |
| Utilities/KWStyle/ITKOverwrite.txt
| |
| ENH: File that define list of ITK files to exempt from code style checking.
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux. This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaArrow
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaArrow
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaBlob
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaBlob
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaCommand
| |
| ENH: Remove unused termination tag
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaCommand
| |
| ENH: Added support for Grid Application Description file. Fixed issues with parsing.
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaContour
| |
| ENH: Added support to attach a slice to a contour and display orientation
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaContour
| |
| ENH: Added support to attach a slice to a contour and display orientation
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaDTITube
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaDTITube
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaEllipse
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaEllipse
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaGaussian
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaGaussian
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaGroup
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaGroup
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaITKUtils
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaImage
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaImage
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaImageUtils
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaImageUtils
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaLandmark
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaLandmark
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaLine
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaLine
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaMe
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaMesh
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaObject
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaObject
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaScene
| |
| ENH: Added support for contours
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaScene
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaSurface
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaSurface
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaTransform
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaTransform
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaTube
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaTube
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaTubeGra
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaTubeGraph
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaTypes
| |
| BUG: Wrong typedef for unsigned long type
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaUtils
| |
| ENH: Added support for contours
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaUtils
| |
| ENH: Added more debugging information when pixeltype cannot be converted
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaVesselTube
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/metaVesselTube
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/tests/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Added metaContour test
| |
| |
| Utilities/MetaIO/tests/testMeta10Contour
| |
| ENH: First checkin
| |
| |
| Utilities/NrrdIO/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux. This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
| |
| |
| Utilities/expat/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux. This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
| |
| |
| Utilities/gdcm/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
| |
| |
| Utilities/gdcm/src/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux. This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
| |
| |
| Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmBinEntry
| |
| ENH: Big PHAT bug in gdcm... DT is ASCII
| |
| |
| Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDictSet
| |
| BUG: resultPath could be empty, cannot access char -1 in an array
| |
| |
| Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDocEntry
| |
| ENH: Big PHAT bug in gdcm... DT is ASCII
| |
| |
| Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDocument
| |
| ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
| |
| ENH: Big PHAT bug in gdcm... DT is ASCII
| |
| |
| Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDocument
| |
| ENH: Extract CanRead from code
| |
| |
| Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmFile
| |
| ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
| |
| |
| Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmFileHelper
| |
| ENH: Big PHAT bug in gdcm... DT is ASCII
| |
| ENH: Properly set some default value: IOP (default to 100010), and Patient Orientation which is redundant...
| |
| |
| Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmSerieHelper
| |
| BUG: Fixed unitialized memory read
| |
| |
| Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmVR
| |
| COMP: intel compiler issue with sizeof a temporary
| |
| ENH: Big PHAT bug in gdcm... DT is ASCII
| |
| |
| Utilities/itkjpeg/12/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux. This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
| |
| |
| Utilities/itkjpeg/16/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux. This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
| |
| |
| Utilities/itkjpeg/8/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux. This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
| |
| |
| Utilities/kwsys/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| |
| ENH: remove test on cygwin since it randomly fails
| |
| ENH: Do not build the library if we are not doing Testing
| |
| BUG: Trying to get testDynamicLoader to work on Solaris and SunOS, where current directory is not lookup when doing dlopen
| |
| ENH: use CMAKE_DL_LIBS and not dl directly as it does not always exist
| |
| ENH: Still more coverage of the DynamicLoader
| |
| ENH: Compile DynamicLoader
| |
| |
| Utilities/kwsys/CommandLineArguments
| |
| ENH: add support for win64 for visual studio 2005 ide and nmake, also fix warnings produced by building for win64
| |
| |
| Utilities/kwsys/Directory
| |
| ENH: Use const char where it should have been. At same time fix Bug#2958
| |
| ENH: add missing cmake depend hacks
| |
| BUG: Need to reset internal structure in case of multiple calls to Load
| |
| |
| Utilities/kwsys/Directory.hxx.in
| |
| ENH: Use const char where it should have been. At same time fix Bug#2958
| |
| ENH: Redo implementation of itkDirectory to use kwsys (avoid duplicating code).
| |
| |
| Utilities/kwsys/DynamicLoader
| |
| ENH: remove warning
| |
| BUG: Fix problem on MacOSX, by disabling part of the test.
| |
| BUG: Fix for MINGW32
| |
| ENH: Also look into data segment (consistant with other implementation)
| |
| ENH: Make sure that we find the proper symbol and not the one that start with _. STYLE: Remove an old style cast
| |
| STYLE: Minor style
| |
| COMP: Fix compilation on MacOSX
| |
| |
| Utilities/kwsys/DynamicLoader.hxx.in
| |
| COMP: Fix problem with namespace
| |
| ENH: Add documentation on the problem with system wide path for looking up dynamic libraries. STYLE: Fix trailing white spaces
| |
| ENH: Adding kwsys implementation for a DynamicLoader class. Copy from itkDynamicLoader, with patch from cmDynamicLoader
| |
| |
| Utilities/kwsys/Glob
| |
| ENH: add support for win64 for visual studio 2005 ide and nmake, also fix warnings produced by building for win64
| |
| STYLE: Make sure to use the proper cast.
| |
| |
| Utilities/kwsys/Glob.hxx.in
| |
| ENH: Add support for relative paths and cleanup
| |
| |
| Utilities/kwsys/ProcessUNIX
| |
| BUG: Do not leak global table of processes.
| |
| BUG: Reverting previous change until it can be fixed on Cygwin.
| |
| ENH: Enabling process tree killing on Cygwin.
| |
| ENH: Enabled process tree killing on the SGI.
| |
| ENH: Enabled process tree killing on HP-UX.
| |
| ENH: Added implementation of process tree killing that runs "ps" to traverse the tree.
| |
| |
| Utilities/kwsys/ProcessWin32
| |
| BUG: Fixed deadlock condition when grandchildren are running after the children exit.
| |
| |
| Utilities/kwsys/Registry
| |
| ENH: add support for win64 for visual studio 2005 ide and nmake, also fix warnings produced by building for win64
| |
| STYLE: Minor style
| |
| |
| Utilities/kwsys/Registry.hxx.in
| |
| STYLE: Minor style
| |
| |
| Utilities/kwsys/RegularExpression
| |
| STYLE: Make sure to use the proper cast.
| |
| |
| Utilities/kwsys/SystemTools
| |
| ENH: search for program without extensions
| |
| ENH: put the fix back in with abort
| |
| COMP: Fixing the the build for windows.
| |
| BUG: IsSubDirectory should use ComparePath to do platform-independent path comparison.
| |
| ENH: performance improvments
| |
| ENH: Improved implementation of FilesDiffer to avoid allocating enough memory for the entire file twice. Instead using a block-at-a-time comparison.
| |
| ENH: add support for win64 for visual studio 2005 ide and nmake, also fix warnings produced by building for win64
| |
| ENH: Use const char where it should have been. At same time fix Bug#2958
| |
| ENH: try to clean up the search for programs
| |
| ENH: fix find program to look for .com and .exe correctly and not return files with no extension on windows
| |
| ENH: Add trailing whitespace
| |
| |
| Utilities/kwsys/SystemTools.hxx.in
| |
| |
| ENH: Use const char where it should have been. At same time fix Bug#2958
| |
| |
| Utilities/kwsys/Terminal
| |
| ENH: Added rxvt-unicode and cygwin terminals for color support.
| |
| BUG: Fixed bug in check for vt100 assumption.
| |
| ENH: Adding 'Terminal' component to hold support routines for dealing with interactive terminals. Currently only a cfprintf function is provided to print color messages.
| |
| |
| Utilities/kwsys/Terminal.h.in
| |
| ENH: Adding 'Terminal' component to hold support routines for dealing with interactive terminals. Currently only a cfprintf function is provided to print color messages.
| |
| |
| Utilities/kwsys/auto_ptr.hxx.in
| |
| COMP: Skip trying to use native auto_ptr implementation and just provide a conforming one.
| |
| |
| Utilities/kwsys/hashtable.hxx.in
| |
| ENH: add support for win64 for visual studio 2005 ide and nmake, also fix warnings produced by building for win64
| |
| |
| Utilities/kwsys/testCommandLineArguments
| |
| STYLE: Make sure to use the proper cast.
| |
| |
| Utilities/kwsys/testDynamicLoader
| |
| ENH: add support for win64 for visual studio 2005 ide and nmake, also fix warnings produced by building for win64
| |
| COMP: Fix warning
| |
| ENH: Make test usable from command line
| |
| BUG: Do the proper path
| |
| BUG: Fix problem with in the path
| |
| ENH: Make sure that we find the proper symbol and not the one that start with _. STYLE: Remove an old style cast
| |
| BUG: Make sure to have proper dependencies
| |
| ENH: remove test temporarily
| |
| ENH: Improve test coverage
| |
| |
| Utilities/kwsys/testDynload
| |
| ENH: Cleanup DynamicLoader so that the symbols have more consistent names, start using dynamic loader from kwsys in CMake
| |
| BUG: Remove comment
| |
| ENH: Add a file to generate the lib
| |
| |
| Utilities/kwsys/testProcess
| |
| ENH: Added test 8 to test grandchildren running after children exit.
| |
| |
| Utilities/kwsys/testSystemTools
| |
| STYLE: Minor style
| |
| |
| Utilities/kwsys/testSystemTools.h.in
| |
| BUG: Do the proper path
| |
| BUG: Trying to get testDynamicLoader to work on Solaris and SunOS, where current directory is not lookup when doing dlopen
| |
| |
| Utilities/kwsys/testTerminal
| |
| |
| Utilities/nifti/fsliolib/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux. This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
| |
| |
| Utilities/nifti/niftilib/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux. This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
| |
| |
| Utilities/nifti/znzlib/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux. This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
| |
| |
| Utilities/openjpeg/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux. This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
| |
| |
| Utilities/png/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux. This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
| |
| |
| Utilities/tiff/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux. This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
| |
| |
| Utilities/vxl/core/vnl/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux. This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
| |
| |
| Utilities/vxl/core/vnl/vnl_matrix_fixed_ref
| |
| |
| Utilities/vxl/core/vnl/vnl_scalar_join_iterator
| |
| BUG: wrong function signature
| |
| |
| Utilities/vxl/core/vnl/vnl_vector_fixed_ref
| |
| |
| Utilities/vxl/core/vnl/algo/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux. This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
| |
| |
| Utilities/vxl/v3p/netlib/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux. This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
| |
| |
| Utilities/vxl/vcl/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux. This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
| |
| |
| Utilities/zlib/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux. This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
| |
| |
| Wrapping/CSwig/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux. This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
| |
| |
| Wrapping/CSwig/SwigRuntime/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux. This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
| |
| |
| Wrapping/CSwig/Tcl/CMakeLists.txt
| |
| ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux. This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
| |
| </pre> | | </pre> |