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== Animating time series ==
== Animating time series ==
Server Manager has a complicated animation engine based on keyframes and scenes. This section will introduce a few simple ways of animating your visualization.
If you have a time-aware reader, you can animate it with AnimateReader().
<source lang="python">
reader = ExodusIIReader(“.../can.ex2”)
c = GetActiveCamera()
# Animate over all time steps. Note that we are not passing the optional
# 3rd argument here. If you pass a filename as the 3rd argument,
# AnimateReader will create a movie.
# Save the animation to an avi file
AnimateReader(reader, filename=".../movie.avi")
== Animating properties ==
To animate properties other than time, you can use regular keyframes.
<source lang="python">
# Create an animation scene
scene = servermanager.animation.AnimationScene()
# Add one view
scene.ViewModules = [GetActiveView()]
# Create a cue to animate the StartTheta property
cue = servermanager.animation.KeyFrameAnimationCue()
cue.AnimatedProxy = GetActiveSource()
cue.AnimatedPropertyName = "StartTheta"
# Add it to the scene's cues
scene.Cues = [cue]
# Create 2 keyframes for the StartTheta track
keyf0 = servermanager.animation.CompositeKeyFrame()
keyf0.Interpolation = 'Ramp'
# At time = 0, value = 0
keyf0.KeyTime = 0
keyf0.KeyValues= [0]
keyf1 = servermanager.animation.CompositeKeyFrame()
# At time = 1.0, value = 200
keyf1.KeyTime = 1.0
keyf1.KeyValues= [200]
# Add keyframes.
cue.KeyFrames = [keyf0, keyf1]
# Some properties you can change
# Number of frames used in Sequence mode
# scene.NumberOfFrames = 100
# Or you can use real time mode
# scene.PlayMode = 'Real Time'
# scene.Duration = 20
Back to [[ParaView/PythonRecipes]].

Latest revision as of 18:53, 24 June 2024

Animating time series

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