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Hit edit to see the source :: // // This example reads a volume dataset through ITK // and then displays it through VTK. // // Press "i"-Button to get the ClippingBox // // adapted from // http://isgwww.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/cv/lehre/Visualization/uebungsunterlagen/direktVolVisRayCast_Clipping01.cxx #include "vtkRenderer.h" #include "vtkRenderWindow.h" #include "vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h" #include "vtkActor.h" #include "vtkColorTransferFunction.h" #include "vtkPiecewiseFunction.h" #include "vtkVolumeProperty.h" #include "vtkVolumeRayCastCompositeFunction.h" #include "vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper.h" #include "vtkVolume.h" #include "vtkBoxWidget.h" #include "vtkPlanes.h" #include "vtkProperty.h" #include "vtkCommand.h" #include "itkImageToVTKImageFilter.h" #include "itkImage.h" #include "itkImageFileReader.h" // Callback for the interaction ----------------------------------------------- class vtkMyCallback : public vtkCommand { public: vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper *rcm; static vtkMyCallback *New() { return new vtkMyCallback; } virtual void Execute(vtkObject *caller, unsigned long, void*) { vtkBoxWidget *boxWidget = reinterpret_cast<vtkBoxWidget*>(caller); vtkPlanes *planes = vtkPlanes::New(); // The implicit function vtkPlanes is used in conjunction with the // volume ray cast mapper to limit which portion of the volume is // volume rendered. boxWidget->GetPlanes(planes); this->rcm->SetClippingPlanes(planes); } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main (int argc, char **argv) { // Create the renderer, the render window, and the interactor. The renderer // draws into the render window, the interactor enables mouse- and // keyboard-based interaction with the data within the render window. vtkRenderer *aRenderer = vtkRenderer::New(); vtkRenderWindow *renWin = vtkRenderWindow::New(); renWin->AddRenderer(aRenderer); vtkRenderWindowInteractor *iren = vtkRenderWindowInteractor::New(); iren->SetRenderWindow(renWin); // Load the Image via ITK const unsigned int Dimension = 3; typedef unsigned char InputPixelType; typedef itk::Image<InputPixelType, Dimension> InputImageType; typedef itk::ImageFileReader<InputImageType> ReaderType; ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New(); reader->SetFileName("/home/alex/interp/61457548-roi-8bit.tif"); try { reader->Update(); } catch( itk::ExceptionObject & excep ) { std::cerr << "Exception while reading input!"<< std::endl; std::cerr << excep << std::endl; } typedef itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter<InputImageType> FilterType; FilterType::Pointer imtoimfilt = FilterType::New(); imtoimfilt->SetInput( reader->GetOutput() ); try { imtoimfilt->Update(); } catch( itk::ExceptionObject & except) { std::cerr << "Exception while converting!"<< std::endl; std::cerr << except << std::endl; } /* // Create transfer mapping scalar value to color vtkColorTransferFunction *colTransFunc = vtkColorTransferFunction::New(); colTransFunc->AddRGBPoint( 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0); colTransFunc->AddRGBPoint( 500.0,1.0,0.49,0.25); colTransFunc->AddRGBPoint(1150.0,0.8,0.8,0.8); colTransFunc->AddRGBPoint(2000.0,0.0,0.2,0.0); */ // Create transfer mapping scalar value to opacity vtkPiecewiseFunction *opacTransFunc = vtkPiecewiseFunction::New(); opacTransFunc->AddPoint(0, 1.0); // opacTransFunc->AddPoint(50, 0.5); opacTransFunc->AddPoint(100, 0.0); // The property describes how the data will look vtkVolumeProperty *vp = vtkVolumeProperty::New(); // vp->SetColor(colTransFunc); vp->SetScalarOpacity(opacTransFunc); vp->ShadeOn(); vp->SetInterpolationTypeToLinear(); // vtkVolumeRayCastCompositeFunction *rcf = vtkVolumeRayCastCompositeFunction::New(); vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper *rcm = vtkFixedPointVolumeRayCastMapper::New(); // rcm->SetVolumeRayCastFunction(rcf); rcm->SetInput( imtoimfilt->GetOutput()); // The volume holds the mapper and the property and // can be used to position/orient the volume vtkVolume *volHead= vtkVolume::New(); volHead->SetMapper(rcm); volHead->SetProperty(vp); // Actors are added to the renderer. aRenderer->AddActor(volHead); // Set the size of the render window (expressed in pixels). renWin->SetSize(640, 480); aRenderer->SetBackground(0.3, 0.6, 1.0); // ------------------------------------------------------------- CLIP-BOX ----------- // The SetInteractor method is how 3D widgets are associated with the render // window interactor. Internally, SetInteractor sets up a bunch of callbacks // using the Command/Observer mechanism (AddObserver()). vtkBoxWidget *boxWidget = vtkBoxWidget::New(); boxWidget->SetInteractor(iren); boxWidget->SetPlaceFactor(1.0); // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vtkMyCallback *mcb = vtkMyCallback::New(); mcb->rcm=rcm; boxWidget->AddObserver(vtkCommand::InteractionEvent, mcb); mcb->Delete(); // Place the interactor initially. The output of the reader is used to place // the box widget. boxWidget->SetInput((vtkDataSet *) imtoimfilt->GetOutput()); boxWidget->PlaceWidget(); boxWidget->InsideOutOn(); boxWidget->GetOutlineProperty()->SetRepresentationToWireframe(); boxWidget->GetOutlineProperty()->SetAmbient(1.0); boxWidget->GetOutlineProperty()->SetAmbientColor(1,1,1); boxWidget->GetOutlineProperty()->SetLineWidth(3); boxWidget->GetSelectedOutlineProperty()->SetRepresentationToWireframe(); boxWidget->GetSelectedOutlineProperty()->SetAmbient(1.0); boxWidget->GetSelectedOutlineProperty()->SetAmbientColor(1,0,0); boxWidget->GetSelectedOutlineProperty()->SetLineWidth(3); // Start the Interactor iren->Initialize(); iren->Start(); // It is important to delete all objects created previously to prevent // memory leaks. In this case, since the program is on its way to // exiting, it is not so important. But in applications it is // essential. // colTransFunc->Delete(); // opacTransFunc->Delete(); // vp->Delete(); boxWidget->Delete(); aRenderer->Delete(); renWin->Delete(); iren->Delete(); return 0; }