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Revision as of 02:28, 23 February 2006

A few notes about Slicer 3.0

- I updated the CMakeLists.txt to match the changes in KWWidgets - Slicer3 Would not compile for Windows in shared mode, because VTK_SLICER_BASE_EXPORT was missing in all headers in Base/GUI; BTW there is a VTK_SLICER_BASE_LOGIC_EXPORT inside Base/Logic, and VTK_SLICER_BASE_EXPORT in the parent dir. I introduced a new one in the same using VTK_SLICER_BASE_GUI_EXPORT, but we/you have to make sure we/you want a unique one for each sub-lib (which is the case for each VTK packages for example, say VTK_HYBRID_EXPORT for the Hybrid package), or a global one (which was the case some time ago in VTK, with a unique VTK_EXPORT). Also, you do not need to prefix the symbol with VTK_ anymore, SLICER_BASE_EXPORT is fine. - A set of useful setup paths scripts are automatically created using KWWidgets macros: check your bin directory for Slicer3SetupPaths.bat (or .sh, .csh), source them so that you can run Slicer3 executable when built in shared lib mode. Without this script, it becomes pretty nightmarish to setup both the PATH, TCLLIBPATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH (which name can change) alltogether (especially since it seems the libraries in Slicer3 are in lib/, not in bin/ where the executables are; very Win32 unfriendly :)). This set of scripts do that for you, point to the right ITK, VTK and KWWidgets lib and bin dirs, set the TCLLIBPATH, etc. - I found no less than 3 different instances of '#define SLICER_VTK5' and two of '#define VTKSLICER_STATIC'. This should probably be unified on top