[vtkusers] New-Member: VTK-Disparity

cecile lombardot cecile_lombardot at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 21 19:03:23 EST 2004

Hi  all,

I am new in VTK and I would like to translate a basic stereo/disparity 
calculation software into VTK format. I want to use it for 3D Object 
representation caluclated from stereo images. I have attached the piece of 
software. Any help is appreciated for helping to bring it in VTK format and 
discribing bottle-necks and other problems related to this subject.

Thank you very much /Merci beaucoup



int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   /* Image variables */
   char Name1[50];
   char Name2[50];
   char Name3[50];
   IM_TYPE *Image1;
   IM_TYPE *Image2;
   IM_TYPE *Image3;
   IM_TYPE *Image4;
   SHORT_TYPE **Data1;
   SHORT_TYPE **Data2;
   SHORT_TYPE **Data3;
   SHORT_TYPE **Data4;
   SHORT_TYPE **Data5;
   int PixType, Xdim, Ydim, Zdim, DimCnt;

   /* Program variables */
   int Width = 15;
   int Width2 = 7;
   int i = 0, x, y, s, min, left, right;

   while ((++i < argc) && (argv[i][0] == '-'))
      switch (argv[i][1])
      case 'w':
	 if (sscanf(argv[++i], "%d", &Width) == 0)
	    Error("Could not get integer argument");
	 Width2 = Width / 2;
	 Width = Width2 * 2 + 1;
      case 'd':
	 Debug = TRUE;
	 Error("Invalid option encountered");

   /* Check number of file names */
   if (argc - i != 3)
      fprintf(stderr, "Usage: stereo [options] left right outfile\n");
      fprintf(stderr, "       [-w #]  Width of smoothing window (15)\n");

   /* Get image file names from argument list */
   if (sscanf(argv[i++], "%s", Name1) == 0)
      Error("Could not get input file name");
   if (sscanf(argv[i++], "%s", Name2) == 0)
      Error("Could not get input file name");
   if (sscanf(argv[i++], "%s", Name3) == 0)
      Error("Could not get output file name");

   /* Read left image */
   Image1 = im_open(Name1, &PixType, &Xdim, &Ydim, &Zdim, &DimCnt);
   if (DimCnt != 2)
      Error("Can not process 1D or 3D images");
   Data1 = (SHORT_TYPE **) im_alloc2D(Image1, SHORT);
   im_read(Image1, SHORT, (char *) &(Data1[0][0]));

   /* Read right image */
   Image2 = im_open(Name2, &PixType, &Xdim, &Ydim, &Zdim, &DimCnt);
   if (DimCnt != 2)
      Error("Can not process 1D or 3D images");
   Data2 = (SHORT_TYPE **) im_alloc2D(Image2, SHORT);
   im_read(Image2, SHORT, (char *) &(Data2[0][0]));

   /* Create output image */
   Image3 = im_create(Name3, SHORT, Xdim, Ydim, Zdim);
   Data3 = (SHORT_TYPE **) im_alloc2D(Image3, SHORT);

   /* Create temporary images */
   Image4 = im_create("/dev/null", SHORT, Xdim, Xdim, 1);
   Data4 = (SHORT_TYPE **) im_alloc2D(Image4, SHORT);
   Data5 = (SHORT_TYPE **) im_alloc2D(Image4, SHORT);

   /* Calculate disparity between input images */
   for (y = 0; y < Ydim; y++)
    	  for (s = 0; s < Xdim / 2; s++)
		 /* Generate absolute differences */
		  for (x = 0; x < Xdim; x++)
			  if (x < s)
				  Data4[s][x] = 255;
			  else if (Data1[y][x] < Data2[y][x - s])
				  Data4[s][x] = Data2[y][x - s] - Data1[y][x];
				  Data4[s][x] = Data1[y][x] - Data2[y][x - s];
		  /* Generate summed differences */
		  Data5[s][0] = Data4[s][0];
		  for (x = 1; x < Xdim; x++)
			  Data5[s][x] = Data5[s][x - 1] + Data4[s][x];
		  /* Generate smoothed differences */
		  for (x = 0; x < Xdim; x++)
			  if ((left = x - Width2) < 0)
				  left = 0;
			  if ((right = x + Width2) > Xdim - 1)
				  right = Xdim - 1;
			  Data4[s][x] = Data5[s][right] - Data5[s][left];
	  /* Select best alignments */
	  for (x = 0; x < Xdim; x++)
		  min = 0;
		  for (s = 1; s < Xdim / 2; s++)
			  if (Data4[s][x] < Data4[min][x])
				  min = s;
			  Data3[y][x] = Data4[min][x];	/* best match error */
			  Data3[y][x] = min;	/* best displacement */
   /* Write information to output image */
   im_write(Image3, SHORT, (char *) &(Data3[0][0]));
   im_free2D((char **) Data1);
   im_free2D((char **) Data2);
   im_free2D((char **) Data3);
   im_free2D((char **) Data4);
   im_free2D((char **) Data5);
   return (0);

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