[vtkusers] Problems with startup script and vtkInt.tcl

Richard Dybowski rdybowski at btinternet.com
Sat Dec 29 14:55:11 EST 2001

I have just replaced VTK 3.1 (obtained from the Kitware CD) with VTK 4.0. 
Version 4.0 was installed from the pre-compiled binaries vtk40Core.exe and 
vtk40Tcl.exe . I have Active Tcl installed.
Three questions:
(1) When I go to the Windows sub-menu for "vtk40", I am offered "vtk". How 
can I replace "vtk" with "wish83"?
(2) When I tried to run the Cone.tcl example given in 
vtk40\Examples\Tutorial\Step1\Tcl\ by clicking on the file within Windows 
Explorer, I get the error message "Error in startup script: couldn't read 
file 'C:\Program': no such file or directory". What should I do? I do not 
know what "startup script" refers to.
(3) The binaries have not installed vtkInt.tcl . What am I doing wrong with 
the installation?

I am using Windows 98 SE.   PATH in autoexec.bat contains C:\Tcl\bin and 


Richard Dybowski, 143 Village Way, Pinner, Middlesex  HA5 5AA, UK
Tel (mobile): 079 76 25 00 92

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